East Timor's First Female Dictator Hailed As Step Forward For Women

First Female Dictator Hailed As Step Forward For Women

Sweet. Is there any freaking doubt females will be more benign dictators than dudes? I think not! Watermark, hail our benign overlordesses.
Sweet. Is there any freaking doubt females will be more benign dictators than dudes? I think not! Watermark, hail our benign overlordesses.

Most women I know have no notion of morality. They're on a mad rampage for shoes and status and are quite heartless. But they think they're good people because they recycle.
Most women I know have no notion of morality. They're on a mad rampage for shoes and status and are quite heartless. But they think they're good people because they recycle.

Jeez, find a new class of fiends or is this what your anger does for you ;P
Truth hurts, don't it, cruella.

I didn't know it was truth, you mask it well, Wiley and I hate shoes. I find them restricting. I would love to live on a beach and wear no shoes for the rest of my life...shopping for myself isn't my thing, I like to give and not receive! Material things aren't important to me.