Eating less meat won't save the planet

Why not grow meat from a tree?

Give a man a fish and he eats for a day

Teach a man to fish and he eats until the next time you pay someone to restock the lake.

Grow a fish from a tree and you can both go learn trigonometry with all the time you save.
The researchers argue for a mixed approach to encourage synergies between the different factors they identified. Different groups need to be targeted with different arguments. For older people and men, health arguments and flexitarianism (reduced meat consumption) are believed to be more effective.

They also stress the importance of prominent role models – actors, musicians, politicians and sport heroes – taking a lead, such as Paul McCartney, Bill Clinton, Mike Tyson and Kate Winslet. They can help and encourage people to do the right sustainable thing even if they are surrounded by sceptics.

Finally, they call for more political and economic measures, “these include removing harmful subsidies from livestock production, imposing taxes and more generally internalising social and environmental externalities in food production costs”.

Meat is to be made very expensive, and you will get called a shit person if you eat very much of it, it has been decided.

Now shut up.
Why do you post 24 minute long videos fuckwit? I'm not watching didn't even give a timestamp moron. Yeah, I've got all fucking day to watch your videos.

But you had time to troll the thread. Feel free to fuck off.