Economists Are Warning That The Trump Tax Plan Will Be An Epic Disaster


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As Republicans in the House and Senate hash out their tax bill differences in a conference committee behind closed doors, with the goal of producing a final bill before the holiday break, conservative economists tell TPM that the policies likely to become law will wreak havoc on the country for many years to come. Though Republicans insisted repeatedly over the past few weeks that the $1.4 trillion in tax cuts, most of them geared toward wealthy individuals and corporations, would pay for themselves by stimulating economic growth, they presented no evidence to support their claims.

Instead, the economists and former government officials predicted, the bill will drive up the federal deficit, shrink and destabilize the health care market, exacerbate already historic income inequality, and pressure Congress to make deep cuts to the social safety net and government programs.

“I don’t see how this bill makes America great again,” said Bill Hoagland, a self-described “deficit hawk” Republican who worked for decades for the Senate Budget Committee and now serves as the senior vice president of the Bipartisan Policy Center. “With the populist direction the country has gone in this year, it just doesn’t seem right to give big corporations a permanent tax cut and not individuals. And it’s an open question with those companies—will they translate that back into actual jobs and not into stock options and buybacks?”
Corporation profits are at all time highs. They are pouring that money into buying back stocks and huge exec bonuses. Corporations are sitting on trillions and are not hiring. Sitting on even more will not urge them to hire or expand. That only happens when they cannot keep up with demand. Demand can be accelerated by providing more money to the people .like higher wages and elevating the min. wage. The entire tax bill of Republicans is bullshit. We have a worse wealth gap than during the Gilded Age. This bill will make it worse.
the vast majority of Americans DONT WANT THIS BILL TO PASS

who is it these assholes are REPRESENTING?????
the majority cant pick the president
and now they get bills they hate.

kinda undemocratic huh
I think much of the GOP Congress are Russian puppets just like Trump.

I think this tax cut for the 1% bill was designed and ordered by the Kremlin in order to weaken the country and result in it's eventual collapse.
I think much of the GOP Congress are Russian puppets just like Trump.

I think this tax cut for the 1% bill was designed and ordered by the Kremlin in order to weaken the country and result in it's eventual collapse.

No one cares what a dumb coon like you thinks.
I think much of the GOP Congress are Russian puppets just like Trump.

I think this tax cut for the 1% bill was designed and ordered by the Kremlin in order to weaken the country and result in it's eventual collapse.

That's just wrong.

The Republicans are totally owned by the wealthy donors. Russia is a much smaller issue. That's specific to trump.
That's just wrong.

The Republicans are totally owned by the wealthy donors. Russia is a much smaller issue. That's specific to trump.

Since certain groups are beholden to Democrats, could one say that they're still on the plantation still picking the cotton for them?


Ryan said yesterday that cutting or killing medicare, social security and food stamps are in the future because of the debt. That is what the tax bill was designed to do. Crank up the debt a couple trillion and then slash everything for the poor and ill. There is no economic gain in it. Just a huge financial windfall for those who need it the least. But it provides an excuse to take more from the poor and middle classes.
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