Editorial - The reason behind the hate, the smears and the insults against Trump

Truth Detector

Well-known member
It is really very simple. The single greatest threat to the leftist ideology, which is built upon the foundation of Government dependency, is a successful Trump Presidency. It is also the FACT that he is an outsider and a billionaire who is not beholding to the DC power brokers who think it is their right to rule over the people of the American Republic because THEY know what is best for all of us.

Every time there is good economic news or a breakthrough on the foreign policy front, the FAKE media and left pounce on it with fact checking and lie checking. How we wish they would have been so diligent during the eight years of malaise and record deficits of Obamunism.

As Trump enters his third year, the writing on the wall is apparent; Trumps efforts, regardless of the smears, the despicable efforts by the Democratic Party of the Jackass and the ongoing Mueller investigation, are working for the American people. They have better paying jobs, they have more jobs and they have more money in their pockets.

So it isn't hard to understand this simple FACT; if the economy continues to boom, Trump will win a second term and if his Presidency ends on a positive economic note, it will be a major setback for the ideology of lies. Let's hope this is how the Trump Presidency will end.....on a positive note for the American people and a devastating blow to the Marxist stupidity of the ideology of lies and the Party of the Jackass.
Previously; why liberals are Fascists:

Because leftist want to shut down dissent. Because leftists think they should be the "deciders". Because leftists only desire is political power and they will lie, cheat and do any despicable act to get it and retain it. Because leftists hate honest debate and open discussion. Because leftist prefer group think in an echo chamber of their own making. Because leftists are pathological liars. Because leftists refuse to accept election results and then try to undermine them. Because leftists hate anyone who disagrees with them.

Let me summarize what this 25th amendment push is all about:

Russia Collusion was a false and failed narrative; then the left moved to obstruction of justice which failed; then the false narrative moved to Manafort and that failed; then it became Stormy Daniels and that petered out; then it was Cohen and that failed; then it was illegal campaign contributions and that turned up nothing, then it was Trumps mental state....so now....in their desperate flailing and traitorous efforts to overturn an election, it is now down to Trump is a Russian spy.

Yep, after all, only an insane person would get tax cuts passed, bring a tyrant like Kim to the table for de-nuclearization talks, have the lowest unemployment in five decades, 3% plus GDP and overhaul all the failed regulations implemented in the malaise filled years of Obamunism. But, Trump is a bit crazy to take a job that pays him basically NOTHING.

So, what does all this mean? It is the FACT that Trumps successes strike blood curdling fear into the liberal left. Imagine what it will do to the Democratic Party of the Jackass who just got done giving us eight years of Obamunistic malaise and has offered nothing to the American people other than Trump is bad and we need more Obamunsim.

With all their FALSE claims and efforts to derail this Presidency with lies, obfuscations and fabrications, if Trump still succeeds, how will it make them look? Yes, like the lying idiots we know them to be. This is why the American people need to send a loud and very clear message to the left in 2020.....basically one that says
Just Shut The Fuck Up.
I'm confused by the premise of this thread.

The single greatest threat to the leftist ideology, which is built upon the foundation of Government dependency, is a successful Trump Presidency.

I don't see where Trump has made a major push to end government dependency. It's not like he is a fiscal conservative, or is trying to reign in federal powers at all.
I'm confused by the premise of this thread.
I don't see where Trump has made a major push to end government dependency. It's not like he is a fiscal conservative, or is trying to reign in federal powers at all.

It isn't about Trump. Trump has only been in office for two years. It is about the Progressive liberal left embedded in DC and their Democratic ideology that argues that Government is good, Government should be the decider and that Government can make things better for everyone that is the threat.

Imagine what this outsider could accomplish without the resistance from the Party of the Jackass and RINOs. Here's the news the DNC media won't like you to see:

Trump administration cancels hundreds of Obama-era regulations

Trump Has Cut Federal Payroll by 24,000 Jobs
I'm confused by the premise of this thread.

I don't see where Trump has made a major push to end government dependency. It's not like he is a fiscal conservative, or is trying to reign in federal powers at all.

Dependency of the citizens.
Record employment, rising wages, prosperity for all is what he is doing and that's kryptonite to liberalism.
Because he's an abhorrent stain, that lies worse then a little kid. He glorifies many things people with Christian values should feel ill over.
Trump is a crook and proud of it. His administration rots from the top. Trump would have escaped his crimes if the red won the midterms, but it did not work that way. Now Trump will have to answer for his crimes. The list of things he has done wrong will keep the house and the courts with work for years.
Previously; why liberals are Fascists:

Because leftist want to shut down dissent. Because leftists think they should be the "deciders". Because leftists only desire is political power and they will lie, cheat and do any despicable act to get it and retain it. Because leftists hate honest debate and open discussion. Because leftist prefer group think in an echo chamber of their own making. Because leftists are pathological liars. Because leftists refuse to accept election results and then try to undermine them. Because leftists hate anyone who disagrees with them.
You are describing Trump. BTW, fascists were conservative.

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2 years in and Trump does not have a
Chief of Staff
Fema Directory
UN Ambassador
Secretary Defense
Air Force
Trump cannot run shit.
It is really very simple. The single greatest threat to the leftist ideology ...

You must be aware that many people who despise Trump are not leftists, Democrats, or members of your boogeyman "deep state".

Take a look at this article by the conservative business editor of the conservative Daily Telegraph:


Some highlights:

The only obvious “achievements” to date are his tax cuts, but even these have failed in their proclaimed justification, neither paying for themselves as promised, nor permanently lifting the economy’s growth potential. Corporations have been enriched, allowing them to further puff up the stock market with buybacks, but the deficit has been ruinously enlarged.

“Trade wars are good and easy to win,” the President said. The hard lesson since learnt and obvious to most us all along is that they are neither good nor easy to win. Trump has failed miserably even on his own terms. The US trade deficit ballooned to $621 billion last year, the highest in a decade. Exports are falling, and imports are rising, the latter surging by 7.5 per cent for the year.

According to recently published analysis by the London-based Centre for Economic Policy Research, tariff increases have been fully passed through to the prices of imported products, such that the tariff revenue the US is now collecting is insufficient to compensate for the losses being borne by consumers.

It was a similar story with the North American Free Trade Agreement, condemned by President Trump as “the worst trade deal ever”. After much harrumphing and fist waving, Mr Trump ended up agreeing a new deal that looked... well, very much like the worst trade deal ever.

The bark has admittedly continued unabated, but the bite has been almost entirely absent. He’s like Shakespeare’s player “that struts and frets his hour upon the stage... full of sound and fury signifying nothing”.

That's the considered opinion of an informed citizen of America's closest ally - who has nothing to gain by pointing these things out - and it's typical of what people make of Trump.

But let me guess: you don't care what foreigners think, right? Or Americans either if they don't wet themselves for the Great Bullshitter.
You must be aware that many people who despise Trump are not leftists, Democrats, or members of your boogeyman "deep state".

Take a look at this article by the conservative business editor of the conservative Daily Telegraph:


Some highlights:

The only obvious “achievements” to date are his tax cuts, but even these have failed in their proclaimed justification, neither paying for themselves as promised, nor permanently lifting the economy’s growth potential. Corporations have been enriched, allowing them to further puff up the stock market with buybacks, but the deficit has been ruinously enlarged.

“Trade wars are good and easy to win,” the President said. The hard lesson since learnt and obvious to most us all along is that they are neither good nor easy to win. Trump has failed miserably even on his own terms. The US trade deficit ballooned to $621 billion last year, the highest in a decade. Exports are falling, and imports are rising, the latter surging by 7.5 per cent for the year.

According to recently published analysis by the London-based Centre for Economic Policy Research, tariff increases have been fully passed through to the prices of imported products, such that the tariff revenue the US is now collecting is insufficient to compensate for the losses being borne by consumers.

It was a similar story with the North American Free Trade Agreement, condemned by President Trump as “the worst trade deal ever”. After much harrumphing and fist waving, Mr Trump ended up agreeing a new deal that looked... well, very much like the worst trade deal ever.

The bark has admittedly continued unabated, but the bite has been almost entirely absent. He’s like Shakespeare’s player “that struts and frets his hour upon the stage... full of sound and fury signifying nothing”.

That's the considered opinion of an informed citizen of America's closest ally - who has nothing to gain by pointing these things out - and it's typical of what people make of Trump.

But let me guess: you don't care what foreigners think, right? Or Americans either if they don't wet themselves for the Great Bullshitter.

Trumps tax cut worked exctly as planned. It was designed to give more money to the top and increase the debt. That is the mechanism the right has to kill all social programs like Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security ,food stamps and welfare. McConnell and Ryan admitted that in public, So Trump went along with the program.
Only fake Christians could ever support somebody like Trump.

Herr Trumpf is an expression of total Hitlerite contempt for the American system of government, an incompetent clown worshipped by even more incompetent clowns, none of them even funny now.