APP - **EDUCATE YOURSELF** COVID FACTS: Why numbers are increasing

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
So why are the numbers increasing? It is simple math and understanding epidemiology.

1) We are testing more people which is a basic duh, but who is getting tested? Well, hospitals are opening back up for all of the procedures that were shut down. When a person goes in for their elective procedure they are being tested for COVID. If they are positive they are being counted. The distinction here is that unlike the "first wave", these people aren't deathly ill. They are just positive

2) We are now doing more antibody testing. Patients who test positive for the antibody are being counted as a new positive. They may have had COVID three months ago, but is counted as a new positive. That is skewing the results upward

3) There are multiple ways to test people. One is blood, one is saliva and the other is the nasal passage. If the patient is tested all three ways and tests positive then it is being counted as three positive tests instead of one

4) This is the most critical. The antibody test is not very specific for COVID19. It is looking for coronovirus antibodies in general. So if you have antibodies for the common cold you could be counted as a COVID positive.

These are all undisputed facts

The good news is that we are heading toward herd immunity which means no vaccine is necessary. The other good news is that hospitalizations due to REAL COVID patients is down. Hospitalizations are going up because hospitals are opening up to other things besides COVID. And most importantly, deaths due to COVID are going down and staying down

Requiring masks is pointless right now. It is like wearing a condom after sex.