Education For Death - Disney WWII Propaganda Cartoon

What conservatives are doing to our poor children right now - our founders would be rolling over in their graves. If only they knew how far the conservatives had taken us away from the liberal republic they founded and towards a fascist land of nothing but obsequious corporate slaves with nary a freedom in sight.
Wow, there have been so many examples in history of the weak and impoverished oppressing those poor souls in the powerful, dominant upper class! The history books are just rife with examples of this delusional conservative persecution complex! Maybe you useful idiots will get a pat on your big dumb heads from your masters for being such good slaves. When you've turned your back, though, the 1% laugh their asses off at your stupidity and gullibility. And rightly so. You deserve everything that comes to you.
The 1% are the wolves, we are the rabbits. The rabbits need to join together and take on the wolf, else, they deserve to be eaten.

We are the 100%, we need to reject divisive tactics aimed at dividing the US and work together to resolve issues.
We are the 100%, we need to reject divisive tactics aimed at dividing the US and work together to resolve issues.

The 99% need to engage in self-defense. We need to defend ourselves against the class warfare that has been waged against us. We didn't start this war, we didn't ask for it, but we're not going to sit back and ask for you to play nice as you keep on lobbing shots at us, goddammit!
The 99% need to engage in self-defense. We need to defend ourselves against the class warfare that has been waged against us. We didn't start this war, we didn't ask for it, but we're not going to sit back and ask for you to play nice as you keep on lobbing shots at us, goddammit!


Wow. Incredible. Lemmings really do exist in politics.

We absolutely need to think past the "jersey" we wear if we're going to actually resolve the issues we are going through right now. Cutting off our nose to spite our face isn't a solution, it is stupid suicide based solely in some infantile need for "revenge" and a belief that it is "wrong" to succeed.

We are the 51%, the rest are net tax receivers. To put us under attack for doing the right thing, for paying what we are required, isn't "justice", it is just stupid.
"I urge you to beware the temptation of pride, the temptation of blithely declaring yourselves above it all and label both sides equally at fault, to ignore the facts of history... and thereby remove yourself from the struggle between right and wrong and good and evil." - Ronald Reagan

Wow. Incredible. Lemmings really do exist in politics.

We absolutely need to think past the "jersey" we wear if we're going to actually resolve the issues we are going through right now. Cutting off our nose to spite our face isn't a solution, it is stupid suicide based solely in some infantile need for "revenge" and a belief that it is "wrong" to succeed.

We are the 51%, the rest are net tax receivers. To put us under attack for doing the right thing, for paying what we are required, isn't "justice", it is just stupid.

Yeah, your side is going to put awful economic policies in place which causes an economic collapse which pushes so many out of the job market that they're not even wealthy enough to pay taxes anymore, and then you're going to blame them for that? Fucking outrageous. Your side is simply evil, a side of psychopaths incapable of human sympathy. Peace never comes through people gathering together and singing kumbay-fucking-ya, it comes from the complete and total annihilation of one side by the other. That is when we will have peace.
"I urge you to beware the temptation of pride, the temptation of blithely declaring yourselves above it all and label both sides equally at fault, to ignore the facts of history... and thereby remove yourself from the struggle between right and wrong and good and evil." - Ronald Reagan
sounded like Raygun narrating the cartoon