Edwards dropping out

B'bye... Wow. And the field gets smaller. Who do you think this helps? Obama or Hillary?

I've always thought it would help Obama, but it's just a gut feeling (I feel like anyone who IS going to support Hillary is already doing so).

We'll see in the next groups of polls, I suppose....
I wouldnt be surprised if this helped Hillary....

But thank god that fraud John Edwards is gone....

Mr. Progressive with his $400 haircuts....

Now who are the Lieberman Democrats like Desh going to vote for?

Wow, this actually hit me a lot harder than I thought it would. I feel like I am going to cry. I know what the conventional wisdom has told everybody, and I know that everybody swallowed it…but in fact, he was the best hope of winning this thing. I also thought he was the best candidate of course.
I wouldnt be surprised if this helped Hillary....

But thank god that fraud John Edwards is gone....

Mr. Progressive with his $400 haircuts....

Now who are the Lieberman Democrats like Desh going to vote for?


Can somebody please tell this fool that Lieberman democrats would be the last people to support John Edwards? I mean, I have told him a thousand times, can somebody else please tell this fool?
Lieberman is a war-mongering Republican. I don't think there is such a thing as a "Lieberman Democrat," any more than there is a "Jesse Helms Democrat"...
B'bye... Wow. And the field gets smaller. Who do you think this helps? Obama or Hillary?

I’ll vote for Obama on Tuesday now. But I don’t think I have ever been representative of many people. I seem to be out of the mainstream on everything. So I really don't know.
From what I recall reading, strangely this helps Clinton:

Former Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina drew the support of 11% of Democratic respondents. When asked for whom they would vote if their first choice dropped out, slightly more Edwards voters leaned toward Clinton than toward Obama, the poll found.

Granted that is just one poll, but at best it seems Edwards dropping out is a wash. My understanding was that that was the reason for Edwards staying in the race. His dropping out couldn't help Obama, but his staying in could hurt Hillary. Essentially, Edwards staying in could prevent any candidate from obtaining a majority of delegates (a plurality doesn't cut it). Then, in a brokered convention scenario Edwards could urge his delegates to support Obama (whether they would or not is another matter altogether).

I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it plays out. Once Edwards makes an endorsement, though, how it affects the race could change.

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I’ll vote for Obama on Tuesday now. But I don’t think I have ever been representative of many people. I seem to be out of the mainstream on everything. So I really don't know.
Yeah, sometimes it feels as if the board is representative, then the vote comes in...

We aren't.
wow, I really thought he would stay in longer.

His wife may not be doing well.

Obama all the way.

I hope he kicks ass.

Anyone need any more proof that CK is a right wing plant than to hear him say the most progressive candidate is a phoney Liberman guy?
From what I recall reading, strangely this helps Clinton:

Granted that is just one poll, but at best it seems Edwards dropping out is a wash. My understanding was that that was the reason for Edwards staying in the race. His dropping out couldn't help Obama, but his staying in could hurt Hillary. Essentially, Edwards staying in could prevent any candidate from obtaining a majority of delegates (a plurality doesn't cut it). Then, in a brokered convention scenario Edwards could urge his delegates to support Obama (whether they would or not is another matter altogether).

I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it plays out. Once Edwards makes an endorsement, though, how it affects the race could change.


I don’t know if it’s surprising. I was actually leaning more towards Hillary as second choice, because I feel that Obama’s programs as described are a bit to the right of hers. But, I guess that you have to figure by the time anything gets through congress, who knows what the hell it will look like anyway. I am not thrilled with Obama. But, I don’t think she would hesitate to continue our foreign policy. I think of the dems, she is the most likely to take us to war. (still less likely than the R candidates however). And I think that she is 100% likely to institute punishing sanctions against countries like Iran just to look tough.

I have no evidence that Obama is any different, but I can have hope. With her there is no hope.

The majority of American however, will not be voting based on how many “foreign” lives might be saved.
Hillary owes to many favors.

She will do what her masters say once in Office.

Obama owes less favors.
Well, now I'll have to vote for Mike Gravel, assuming he's still in. I'm not giving my stamp of approval to either Barak or Clinton.

I'll vote for either of them in the general though, over Bomb, Bomb Iran McCain.

How sad, that I'll have to vote for a kooky old guy. But, at least I'll be able to look myself in the mirror. :cry:

Noam Chomsky applauds Senator Gravel's past and present accomplishments

January 7, 2008

Alone among members of Congress, Senator Mike Gravel had the courage to take a stand that not only helped bring the atrocious Indochina wars to an end, but also made a great contribution to breaking the wall of secrecy that governments erect to protect themselves from their own citizens. I am of course referring to his release of the Pentagon Papers, properly called "the Gravel edition," which provided the public with a unique opportunity to become educated about affairs of state.

In the years since, Gravel has continued to show the same moral integrity and courage, particularly with regard to war and aggression, the severe threat of nuclear war, the destructive impact of the military-industrial complex on American democracy, and the programs of aggressive militarism that have led even Europeans to rank the US as the greatest threat to world peace, far above Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, or other states assigned this role in the US doctrinal system. It may be that these consistent and honorable commitments are responsible for his being largely excluded from the media, even from presidential debates. And the same integrity and courage should be an inspiration for people who care about their country, the fate of its people, and its role in the world.

Noam Chomsky

EDWARDS 2008 :whiteflag:
Hillary owes to many favors.

She will do what her masters say once in Office.

Obama owes less favors.

One is too many. Again, we are talking about the less of two evils--and we should not have to do that if we were able to actually elect people we like.
Wow, this actually hit me a lot harder than I thought it would. I feel like I am going to cry. I know what the conventional wisdom has told everybody, and I know that everybody swallowed it…but in fact, he was the best hope of winning this thing. I also thought he was the best candidate of course.
