APP - EEEEVIL Hydroxychloroquine

It isn't evil. It's worth using for some diseases despite the known side-effects. It just doesn't work for Covid-19, whatever Trump says.

Major study of thousands of patients led by University of Oxford shows drug is ineffective

5 Jun 2020
Hydroxychloroquine does not work against Covid-19 and should not be given to any more hospital patients around the world, say the leaders of the biggest and best-designed trial of the drug, which experts hope will finally settle the question.

Many countries have permitted emergency use of the drug for Covid-19 patients in hospitals, following claims from a few doctors, including Didier Raoult in France, that it was a cure, and the ensuing clamour from the public. President Donald Trump backed the drug, saying it should be given to patients, and later said he was personally taking it to protect himself from the virus.

Since March, when the trial began, a total of 1,542 patients had been randomised to receive hydroxychloroquine, while 3,132 patients were randomised to receive only normal care. 25.7% of patients on hydroxychloroquine died, compared with 23.5% of the others. The clear conclusion was that hydroxychloroquine does not work, said the researchers.