Einstein or Newton?

Einstein or Newton

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Who was the more influential scientist?

I know that without Newton, Einstein probably couldn't have happened. Science is often said to be standing "on the shoulder of giants", but I think a more accurate approximation would be a bunch of midgets standing on the shoulders of a pyramid of other midgets.

The question here should be, who was the taller midget?
I'm sure Asshate will say Newton, just because Einstein was a Joo. Both make logical picks, so I just said Einstein because he has pervaded our culture, as well, with cracks like "Hey, Einstein!", and so forth...
Who was the more influential scientist?

I know that without Newton, Einstein probably couldn't have happened. Science is often said to be standing "on the shoulder of giants", but I think a more accurate approximation would be a bunch of midgets standing on the shoulders of a pyramid of other midgets.

The question here should be, who was the taller midget?
No, you were right the first time. Both Einstein and Newton were giants.
It has to be Isaac Newtons, mainly because as well as inventing gravity, calculus, and all that other scientific nonsense, he was such an amazing mentalist.

I think it's excellent that despite being in possession of such a keen analytical mind he was convinced by theories of alchemy and wrote seriously about dissolving stones in fire and mixing them with the mercury of eagles. And this is on top of being appointed Master of the Royal Mint and spending an awful lot of time donning disguises to follow and apprehend counterfeiters on the streets of London.

Apparently he predicted the second coming of Jesus would occur in 1948 but, if he was mistaken on this point, taking into account the decline of Christian belief, predicted that Jesus would have to return before 3150 as by then only one person would still believe in him.

And he used to be on the back of a one pound note.

In your face Albert Einsteins.
It has to be Isaac Newtons, mainly because as well as inventing gravity, calculus, and all that other scientific nonsense, he was such an amazing mentalist.

I think it's excellent that despite being in possession of such a keen analytical mind he was convinced by theories of alchemy and wrote seriously about dissolving stones in fire and mixing them with the mercury of eagles. And this is on top of being appointed Master of the Royal Mint and spending an awful lot of time donning disguises to follow and apprehend counterfeiters on the streets of London.

Apparently he predicted the second coming of Jesus would occur in 1948 but, if he was mistaken on this point, taking into account the decline of Christian belief, predicted that Jesus would have to return before 3150 as by then only one person would still believe in him.

And he used to be on the back of a one pound note.

In your face Albert Einsteins.
Charver. Newton was English. He's supposed to be odd and eccentric. What the hell is special about an eccentric Englishman? That's about as special as corn flakes.
Newton has a clear cut edge in this poll. In terms of scientific influence (not popular influence) Einstein ranks 4th.

Clearly the three most influential scientist are the three geniuses who founded the three modern natural sciences, physics, chemistry and biology. So the top three most influential scientist are;

Isaac Newton - founder of modern physics.
Antoine Lavoisier - founder of modern chemistry
Charles Darwin - founder of modern biology

Then comes

Einstein - father of relatavistic theory
Plank - father of quantum theory
Bohr - advanced Plank's work on quantum theory and atomic structure (making him profoundly influential in both chemistry and physics)
Dimitri Mendelev - father of the periodic table
Gregor Mendel - father of genetics
No, you were right the first time. Both Einstein and Newton were giants.

I was right the first time. Standing on the shoulders of giants is a crummy analogy. The midget analogy makes it more clear that science is a cumulative process. The great men theory of scientific history, in my opinion, has to go, just like it did in normal history.
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Who was the more influential scientist?

I know that without Newton, Einstein probably couldn't have happened. Science is often said to be standing "on the shoulder of giants", but I think a more accurate approximation would be a bunch of midgets standing on the shoulders of a pyramid of other midgets.

The question here should be, who was the taller midget?
Einstein, it is the hair, man! It defies the laws of gravity!
I was right the first time. Standing on the shoulders of giants is a crummy analogy. The midget analogy makes it more clear that science is a cumulative process. The great men theory of scientific history, in my opinion, has to go, just like it did in normal history.
No, guys like me, were the midgets standing on the shoulders of giants. If were lucky, we can understand someof what the giants teach us. We then build a little on that, make a contribution or two, and on even rarer occasions draw an independent conclusion. But mostly we stand upon the shoulders of giants like Newton and Einstein who make the vast conceptual leaps that us mere mortals lack the talent or genius to make.
No, guys like me, were the midgets standing on the shoulders of giants. If were lucky, we can understand someof what the giants teach us. We then build a little on that, make a contribution or two, and on even rarer occasions draw an independent conclusion. But mostly we stand upon the shoulders of giants like Newton and Einstein who make the vast conceptual leaps that us mere mortals lack the talent or genius to make.

Then your midget pyramid just has giants in it.

My main point was to avoid the kind of logic like "Einstein couldn't have come up with relativity if Newton hadn't come up with mechanics, so Newton is better", which will obviously always be biased towards historic figures and annoys me.
Then your midget pyramid just has giants in it.

My main point was to avoid the kind of logic like "Einstein couldn't have come up with relativity if Newton hadn't come up with mechanics, so Newton is better", which will obviously always be biased towards historic figures and annoys me.
well I agree with you in principle there. Newton should not be considered greater because he came before Einstein. You are correct. That would be a logical fallacy.
Both obviously had tremendous impact on society; Newton has an inherent advantage due to the historical time line and therefore able to impact a lot more people over a longer period of time. When that advantage is removed the correct answer is Einstein. Also his theories and proofs were much more complex. Its fairly easy to get your mind around the mechanics of gravity but not easy at all on why the phenomenon occurs.
Both obviously had tremendous impact on society; Newton has an inherent advantage due to the historical time line and therefore able to impact a lot more people over a longer period of time. When that advantage is removed the correct answer is Einstein. Also his theories and proofs were much more complex. Its fairly easy to get your mind around the mechanics of gravity but not easy at all on why the phenomenon occurs.
Good point but then wouldn't Plank and Bohr be in the same league as Einstein? You could very much say the same about their work.
I'm partial to George McCready Price, founder of Creation Science.

If I have to choose one of these hacks, I'd have to choose Newton.

But, personally I have to give the nod to Charles Darwin as the most influential scientist of all time.
Both obviously had tremendous impact on society; Newton has an inherent advantage due to the historical time line and therefore able to impact a lot more people over a longer period of time. When that advantage is removed the correct answer is Einstein. Also his theories and proofs were much more complex. Its fairly easy to get your mind around the mechanics of gravity but not easy at all on why the phenomenon occurs.

I agree wholeheartedly!