Einstein Was Wrong About 'Spooky Action at a Distance'

cancel2 2022

A groundbreaking quantum experiment recently confirmed the reality of "spooky action-at-a-distance" — the bizarre phenomenon that Einstein hated — in which linked particles seemingly communicate faster than the speed of light.

And all it took was 12 teams of physicists in 10 countries, more than 100,000 volunteer gamers and over 97 million data units — all of which were randomly generated by hand.

How are you still here? You should have been banned for a rule 12b offence. I doubt you even know what entanglement is, or indeed anything to do with quantum mechanics.

says you, the rat turd who reported me. You will always fail because I am awesome and you're a NOBODY!

They don't call me flea bailey for nothing.
Oh look, the king of the poseur-poltroons is calling the rest of us poseurs and poltroons in one of the most obviously poseur and poltroon threads ever.


Didn't your mother tell you "it's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt" ?
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Didn't your mother tell you to keep your

mother tell you

"it's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt" ?

I have separated your reply - verbatim - word for word in the same order you posted it - into three distinct sections.

Reread your post then read it again in the above quote.

Notice anything not quite right about it?

Apparently your mother never told you what you asked me if mine told me.

Ok, just thought you'd have something useful to contribute. I have always found the whole concept of entanglement to be akin to scientific voodoo. It is perfectly understandable that Einstein refused to believe it.

And you call other people poseurs. :palm:
Ok, just thought you'd have something useful to contribute. I have always found the whole concept of entanglement to be akin to scientific voodoo. It is perfectly understandable that Einstein refused to believe it.

Sorry but I don't even know how to respond to the OP.
I'd rather bait McSlawber into positing one of his incoherent ramblings on scientific matters. Way more fun. Except I think he's on to us. I notice he posts an OP and that's his last post of the thread.
A groundbreaking quantum experiment recently confirmed the reality of "spooky action-at-a-distance" — the bizarre phenomenon that Einstein hated — in which linked particles seemingly communicate faster than the speed of light.

And all it took was 12 teams of physicists in 10 countries, more than 100,000 volunteer gamers and over 97 million data units — all of which were randomly generated by hand.


This is wild. If correct this means that subatomic particles can communicate instantly with each other no matter what the distance. A particle at the far reaches of the universe could communicate instantly with a particle here on earth. WOW!