APP - Elect Republicans your nation needs them....


You say you want a revolution....

A fair view of America today presents a picture of great diversity. Many diverse groups occupy this mixed salad of a nation. This would be a good thing if all the groups shared in the pie, but tragically a large portion of America live near or just above poverty. And many Americans in the middle class fear a loss of work, spiraling healthcare costs, or even forced retirement could place them among the underprivileged.

So the moral and societal question would seem, why is this so in a nation of such wealth? Could it be left to their own self interest or personal schemes there can be no such thing as justice or fairness in an unregulated capitalist society. Alternatives political structures offer few solutions as they all include the same element, humans. John Kenneth Galbraith wrote, "Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite." So where to next?

When you read the following quotation, try to guess the year it was written. "We meet in the midst of a nation brought to the verge of moral, political, and material ruin. Corruption dominates the ballot box, the Legislatures, the Congress, and touches even the ermine of the bench. The people are demoralized... The newspapers are largely subsidized or muzzled, public opinion silenced, [small] business prostrated, homes covered with mortgages, labor impoverished, and the land concentrating in the hands of the capitalists. The urban workmen are denied the right to organize for self protection, imported pauperized labor beats down their wages, a hireling standing army, unrecognized by our laws, is established to shoot them down, and they are rapidly degenerating into European conditions. The fruits of the toil of millions are boldly stolen to build up colossal fortunes for a few, unprecedented in the history of mankind; and the possessors of these, in turn, despise the Republic and endanger liberty."

Give up, it was written in eighteen hundred and ninety two during the start of the populist and progressive movements. It was part of the Populist platform. Those movements fizzled out with World War One, and only started again after America sank under the robber barons and the inept administrations of Coolidge and Hoover.

So what is the solution for today. How do we revive the progressive spirit? It is simple folks and staring us in the face, elect all republican candidates, libertarian candidates, and tea party crazies.

Would that not make matters worse, you say? Yes, it would, and that is the point. Destroy Medicare, social security, Medicaid, environmental and financial regulation, and we will return to the halcyon days of the Great Depression and the bread lines. Let the banks fail, stop supporting education, put children to work long hours in unsanitary and unhealthy conditions, eat tainted unsafe foods, get rid of minimum wage and unions, who needs all those departments of government anyway. Are not 'Markets' the solution to all ills? Are not corporations 'people' according to our SCOTUS? Americans are spoiled today. Only after the destruction of all safety nets will enough Americans once again join the progressive movements for justice for all. Abject poverty can be a good thing. Join us now in eliminating all this government waste. Vote Republican, your parents and grandparents may hate you, but it will toughen them up, and adults and even children will again learn to fight for the values that make America great. ;)


Where do you find this drivel?

Obama has been in office and we have had the worst unemployment since the Great Depression. They shoved Obamacare down our throats, but it will not go into effect until 2014, after the next presidential election, why? November can not come soon enough to toss out the garbage, your one term boy will be out soon, and Jimmy can pass the torch to Obama as the worst president in history.
Hyperbole? "Long-term goals of the GOP include eliminating unemployment insurance, minimum wage laws, Social Security and Medicare, most government regulations, consumer protection laws, and federal aid to education, along with many other government programs they consider detrimental to corporate-business control of the country. Republicans that are even more radical want to make Christianity the state religion, declare war on Islam, assign the death sentence for performing an abortion, and bomb and invade Iran."

'A Party of Refuseniks and Obstructionists - Republicans at War with America' By Don Monkerud

"Under the Republican Party's new blueprint for America, BP will no longer be required to clean up the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the F.D.A. will not restrict the new diabetes drug Avandia just because it's unsafe, and donors will be required to keep their contributions to political campaigns secret.

These positions, based on recent votes in Congress, foretell how the Republicans will govern if they win in the upcoming November elections.

Republicans would prevent the unemployed from receiving Medicaid; prevent treatment, screening or compensation for Americans who assisted during the 9/11 attacks on the WTC; eliminate extensions of unemployment insurance; allow the oil industry to write their own rules for oil exploration and clean up; open all off shore areas to oil wells; and stop funding state governments to stimulate the economy."

And another weird idea put forth by republicans is they are constitutionalists. Does that mean eliminating much of the constitution as they seem to want to do? LMAO
Hyperbole? "Long-term goals of the GOP include eliminating unemployment insurance, minimum wage laws, Social Security and Medicare, most government regulations, consumer protection laws, and federal aid to education, along with many other government programs they consider detrimental to corporate-business control of the country. Republicans that are even more radical want to make Christianity the state religion, declare war on Islam, assign the death sentence for performing an abortion, and bomb and invade Iran."
The only thing freakin' radical here is the ASSININE (Something so stupid it makes a person look like a complete ass, despite whatever misguided good intentions they believe they have) accusations put forth by midcan5, Pinhead of the day....

One would have to be completely over the edge to make a post like this and actually be serious about it....

Why not just accuse the Republicans of eating babies at midnight feasts and co-operating with extraterrestrials in the take over of the world....if you're gonna talk fuckin' nuts, go all way....
Why not just accuse the Republicans of eating babies at midnight feasts and co-operating with extraterrestrials in the take over of the world....if you're gonna talk fuckin' nuts, go all way....

If you can corroborate this information similar to the OP's corroborative information, please provide the source. That would make interesting reading for some people I'm sure. Please try to get two sources so we can make a fair assessment.

"Men are so necessarily mad, that not to be mad would amount to another form of madness." Blaise Pascal
The only thing freakin' radical here is the ASSININE (Something so stupid it makes a person look like a complete ass, despite whatever misguided good intentions they believe they have) accusations put forth by midcan5, Pinhead of the day....

One would have to be completely over the edge to make a post like this and actually be serious about it....

Why not just accuse the Republicans of eating babies at midnight feasts and co-operating with extraterrestrials in the take over of the world....if you're gonna talk fuckin' nuts, go all way....
Oh, he has his crayons out again, this time it is the blue light special!
The funny and sad thing here is this is nothing new. For over 100 years Republicon corporatists have been against anything that would benefit workers. According to Major. Gen. Smedley D. Butler they even plotted a coup against F.D.R. in the 1930's. Their wealth and power depends on an uneducated, frightened, brainwashed workforce and they will do anything to keep it that way, thus fox news lemmings like Bravo.
The funny and sad thing here is this is nothing new. For over 100 years Republicon corporatists have been against anything that would benefit workers. According to Major. Gen. Smedley D. Butler they even plotted a coup against F.D.R. in the 1930's. Their wealth and power depends on an uneducated, frightened, brainwashed workforce and they will do anything to keep it that way, thus fox news lemmings like Bravo.
In most of the Southern Sates Republicans have led legislation for Right To Work, so unions can't force workers to join them. How is that against workers?

Actually I posted it first on a personal Blog I started recently to see how they work. I tried DailyKos only because they get a lot of hits, and I joined years ago even though I rarely post there. Ideas are ideas, if they fit they fit.

As far as right to work in the South, you must mean the right to abuse and underpay. But corporations don't care about the south either so long as Americans buy cheap overseas produced goods. Consider only Nike. Some foreign cars are made here as it is good publicity, it keeps reality hidden.

"The Reagan administration, with the help of Democrats in Congress, lowered the tax rate on the very rich to 50 percent and in 1986 a coalition of Republicans and Democrats sponsored another "tax reform" bill that lowered the top rate to 28 percent. Barlett and Steele noted that a schoolteacher, a factory worker, and a billionaire could all pay 28 percent. The idea of a "progressive" income in which the rich paid at higher rates than everyone else was now almost dead." Howard Zinn 'A People's History of the United States"
As far as right to work in the South, you must mean the right to abuse and underpay. But corporations don't care about the south either so long as Americans buy cheap overseas produced goods. Consider only Nike. Some foreign cars are made here as it is good publicity, it keeps reality hidden.

"The Reagan administration, with the help of Democrats in Congress, lowered the tax rate on the very rich to 50 percent and in 1986 a coalition of Republicans and Democrats sponsored another "tax reform" bill that lowered the top rate to 28 percent. Barlett and Steele noted that a schoolteacher, a factory worker, and a billionaire could all pay 28 percent. The idea of a "progressive" income in which the rich paid at higher rates than everyone else was now almost dead." Howard Zinn 'A People's History of the United States"

Actually the reason that foreign car manufacturers have chosen The South is that we have Right To Work. Their employees make just as much as their union counterparts but are more productive, since the slackers get fired.

Nice that you finally admit that the communist manifesto "Peoples History" by Zinn is your Bible. Just as I suspected.

Imagine the "unfairness" of all Americans paying the same tax rate. You really are a retard.
Actually the reason that foreign car manufacturers have chosen The South is that we have Right To Work. Their employees make just as much as their union counterparts but are more productive, since the slackers get fired.

Nice that you finally admit that the communist manifesto "Peoples History" by Zinn is your Bible. Just as I suspected.

Imagine the "unfairness" of all Americans paying the same tax rate. You really are a retard.

As always you have no idea what you are talking about. I read a bit of Zinn years ago but didn't check out the people's history till just recently. Excellent history as it presents a side conservative corporate owned media hides from tools such as yourself.

You may be right that foreigners abuse the south's tolerance for bad worker treatment and pay. Funny that Zinn is a communist in the paranoid world of McCarthyism, you follow well. Howard Zinn served the nation honorable during WWII, sorry that offends you armchair warriors.

"The Zinn Files were declassified and released on July 30, 2010. Reflecting embryonic McCarthyism before Senator Joseph R. McCarthy’s Wheeling address, it established early on a “Communist Party: Counterintelligence Program” dossier. The FBI repeatedly accused Howard Zinn of being a Communist Party member from 1949-1953. Special Agent Edward Scheidt requested on March 9, 1949 that FBI director J. Edgar Hoover investigate the “communist” Howard Zinn. On March 23, 1949, Hoover authorized a “security index card” that remained active until this unseemly file was closed in 1974. FBI special agents on November 6, 1953 and February 9, 1954 interrogated him outside near his home to intimidate him about his alleged Communist Party affiliation. Dr. Zinn denied being a CPUSA party member as if such an association, especially during the Manichaean Cold War, would not honor and confirm the moral and ethical rectitude of an American. During both interrogations he refused to name names or reveal anyone’s political ideology or group association. Shamelessly and without any justification, Hoover reported annually to the director of the Secret Service from March 7, 1966 through March 7, 1968 that Professor Zinn was a threat to “[p]residential protection.” He was depicted in three memoranda as “potentially dangerous; or has been identified as member or participant in [the] communist movement; or has been under active investigation as member of other group or organization inimical to U.S.”"

"In 1977, the top 10% of the American population had an income 30 times that of the bottom tenth; the top 1% of the nation owned 33% of the wealth. The richest 5% owned 83% of the personally owned corporate stock. The 100 largest corporations (despite a graduated income tax that misled people into thinking the very rich paid at least 50% in taxes) paid an average of 26.9% in taxes, and the leading oil companies paid 5.8% in taxes (internal revenue service figures for 1974). Indeed, 244 individuals who earned over $200,000 paid no taxes." Howard Zinn "A People's History of the United States"
As always you have no idea what you are talking about. I read a bit of Zinn years ago but didn't check out the people's history till just recently. Excellent history as it presents a side conservative corporate owned media hides from tools such as yourself.

You may be right that foreigners abuse the south's tolerance for bad worker treatment and pay. Funny that Zinn is a communist in the paranoid world of McCarthyism, you follow well. Howard Zinn served the nation honorable during WWII, sorry that offends you armchair warriors.

"The Zinn Files were declassified and released on July 30, 2010. Reflecting embryonic McCarthyism before Senator Joseph R. McCarthy’s Wheeling address, it established early on a “Communist Party: Counterintelligence Program” dossier. The FBI repeatedly accused Howard Zinn of being a Communist Party member from 1949-1953. Special Agent Edward Scheidt requested on March 9, 1949 that FBI director J. Edgar Hoover investigate the “communist” Howard Zinn. On March 23, 1949, Hoover authorized a “security index card” that remained active until this unseemly file was closed in 1974. FBI special agents on November 6, 1953 and February 9, 1954 interrogated him outside near his home to intimidate him about his alleged Communist Party affiliation. Dr. Zinn denied being a CPUSA party member as if such an association, especially during the Manichaean Cold War, would not honor and confirm the moral and ethical rectitude of an American. During both interrogations he refused to name names or reveal anyone’s political ideology or group association. Shamelessly and without any justification, Hoover reported annually to the director of the Secret Service from March 7, 1966 through March 7, 1968 that Professor Zinn was a threat to “[p]residential protection.” He was depicted in three memoranda as “potentially dangerous; or has been identified as member or participant in [the] communist movement; or has been under active investigation as member of other group or organization inimical to U.S.”"

"In 1977, the top 10% of the American population had an income 30 times that of the bottom tenth; the top 1% of the nation owned 33% of the wealth. The richest 5% owned 83% of the personally owned corporate stock. The 100 largest corporations (despite a graduated income tax that misled people into thinking the very rich paid at least 50% in taxes) paid an average of 26.9% in taxes, and the leading oil companies paid 5.8% in taxes (internal revenue service figures for 1974). Indeed, 244 individuals who earned over $200,000 paid no taxes." Howard Zinn "A People's History of the United States"

The South doesn't 'tolerate bad worker treatment and pay'. Do you have any evidence to support your new assertion?

With regards to Zinn, he was a card-carrying communist:

Howard Zinn was teaching a class, but he wasn't yet a professor and his classroom wasn't at a university. It was late 1951, and the students who gathered for Zinn's lessons in Brooklyn were his fellow members of the Communist Party USA.

One of Zinn's comrades described him as "a person with some authority" within the local CPUSA section and said that Zinn's class was on "basic Marxism," the theme being "that the basic teachings of Marx and Lenin were sound and should be adhered to by those present."

That description, furnished to the Federal Bureau of Investigation by a former Communist in 1957, is included in more than 400 pages of Zinn's FBI file made public last week.

The FBI files demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt that Zinn -- author of A People's History of the United States, widely used as a textbook or supplement in many of our nation's high schools and universities -- was a card-carrying Communist at a time when the Soviet Union was America's most dreaded enemy.
I am never sure what a communist is? The word like liberal has taken on a pejorative all its own. In the end messengers who speak the truth are always ostracized, that seems to be a human trait with a long history. Another interesting aspect of the McCarthy era was how so much fear can grew into seeing ghosts and gremlins everywhere. FBI informants then were as reliable as McCarthy was. Read a bit of real history and you may actually learn something. See McCarthy in 'The Glory and the Dream' by William Manchester.

I also agree with this point of view. "Also for the record, Howard Zinn never deceived The Progressive magazine about anything. We are not J. Edgar Hoover or Cliff Kincaid. We do not delve into the past associations of our writers. Whether Zinn was once a member of the Communist Party or not is of no import to us. All that we ask is that our writers illuminate the world we live in, which Howard Zinn did better than anyone I know."

I have personal experience with the south's treatment of workers as I managed groups that spanned the country. But the very fact the south rates so low in any statistic you care to measure should be proof even for you. Why is that?

Education as an example. This can be looked at a few ways, but I will keep my cynicism at a minimum.
I am never sure what a communist is?

Have you ever thought of looking the root word up in the dictionary (

a : a theory advocating elimination of private property b : a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed
capitalized a : a doctrine based on revolutionary Marxian socialism and Marxism-Leninism that was the official ideology of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics b : a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production c : a final stage of society in Marxist theory in which the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed equitably d : communist systems collectively

Since ownership of private property and property rights were two of the most important factors that influenced the Founders to declare independence from a monarchy, fight a Revolutionary War and ultimately write the Constitution that ensures those rights, it is clear that a high ranking and influential member of the American Communist Party is one who hates property rights and hates the Constitution.

Ditto to his followers.

Does this describe you?
Have you ever thought of looking the root word up in the dictionary (

Since ownership of private property and property rights were two of the most important factors that influenced the Founders to declare independence from a monarchy, fight a Revolutionary War and ultimately write the Constitution that ensures those rights, it is clear that a high ranking and influential member of the American Communist Party is one who hates property rights and hates the Constitution.

Ditto to his followers.

Does this describe you?
Acts 4:32. And the multitude of believers had but one heart and one soul. Neither did any one say that aught of the things which he possessed was his own: but all things were common unto them.