APP - Election Bet for Jarod

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Dear Jarod

For a while now you have been very confident that Hillary Clinton is a lock to win next week.

I would like to extend a bet to you for next weeks election results. I predict that Donald Trump will win both the Popular Vote AND the Electoral College. If Trump wins you take a two week ban from JPP. If Crooked Hillary wins, I will take a two week ban from JPP

Are you up for the challenge? Are you still that sure that she will win? This is your way to show your confidence in your candidate.
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I don't want you banned if HRC wins! I don't want you to have an excuse to disappear.
I am less confident than I was before Friday, but I still think HRC pulls it out.
You aren't very confident then

I don't know, I don't think October Surprises generally have much affect, but I want to wait until tomorrow to see the polling data.

I have never entered into such a bet.
The upside of me winning would have you banned, and I honestly don't want you banned.