Election for World Government


I need some data for my project, so I'm going to turn to my fellow tards and autists.

Let's say we're electing a five member council to rule the world, and also a bunch of famous dead people came back and started running for it. And for some reason the denizens of JPP were entrusted with this task (so the world if pretty much fucked, but whatever). Try to rank the following from 0-10:

George Washington, Bill Nelson, Winston Churchill, Lenin, Adolf Hitler, Donald Trump, Ron Paul, Hilldog, Mao Zedong, Abraham Lincoln, Enoch Powell, Bernie Sanders, Emmanuel Macron, Deng Xiaoping, Pol Pot, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, FDR, Eugene V. Debbs, Jeremy Corbyn, Jeb Bush

That should be a good enough list.

Rate as many or as few as you wish. Those you do not rate will be counted as "0".

You can write your own in, just make sure to clearly mark the write ins in their own section. If it receives more than 10% approval from other users, I'll count it in my stupid poll, otherwise I will throw it in the trash.

Here's my vote for example:

George Washington: 9
Bill Nelson: ???
Winston Churchill: 6
Vladmir Lenin: 7
Adolf Hitler: 3
Donald Trump: 0
Ron Paul: 6
Hilldog: 5
Mao Zedong: 8
Abraham Lincoln: 10
Enoch Powell: 2
Emmanuel Macron: 7
Deng Xiaoping: 6
Pol Pot: 1
Thomas Jefferson: 7
Alexander Hamilton: 10
Nelson Mandela: 8
Martin Luther King: 10
FDR: 9
Eugene V. Debs: 10
Jeremy Corbyn: 8
Jeb Bush: 10

My sweet pup Echo: 10

I'll write this all down into CSV's and use it as a dataset, you'll get the results when I'm done. If my method works right, it should be relatively representative of the average JPP members deranged mind, if it doesn't, then we may get halfway sane results.
I need some data for my project, so I'm going to turn to my fellow tards and autists.

Let's say we're electing a five member council to rule the world, and also a bunch of famous dead people came back and started running for it. And for some reason the denizens of JPP were entrusted with this task (so the world if pretty much fucked, but whatever). Try to rank the following from 0-10:

George Washington, Bill Nelson, Winston Churchill, Lenin, Adolf Hitler, Donald Trump, Ron Paul, Hilldog, Mao Zedong, Abraham Lincoln, Enoch Powell, Bernie Sanders, Emmanuel Macron, Deng Xiaoping, Pol Pot, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, FDR, Eugene V. Debbs, Jeremy Corbyn, Jeb Bush

That should be a good enough list.

Rate as many or as few as you wish. Those you do not rate will be counted as "0".

You can write your own in, just make sure to clearly mark the write ins in their own section. If it receives more than 10% approval from other users, I'll count it in my stupid poll, otherwise I will throw it in the trash.

Here's my vote for example:

George Washington: 9
Bill Nelson: ???
Winston Churchill: 6
Vladmir Lenin: 7
Adolf Hitler: 3
Donald Trump: 0
Ron Paul: 6
Hilldog: 5
Mao Zedong: 8
Abraham Lincoln: 10
Enoch Powell: 2
Emmanuel Macron: 7
Deng Xiaoping: 6
Pol Pot: 1
Thomas Jefferson: 7
Alexander Hamilton: 10
Nelson Mandela: 8
Martin Luther King: 10
FDR: 9
Eugene V. Debs: 10
Jeremy Corbyn: 8
Jeb Bush: 10

My sweet pup Echo: 10

I'll write this all down into CSV's and use it as a dataset, you'll get the results when I'm done. If my method works right, it should be relatively representative of the average JPP members deranged mind, if it doesn't, then we may get halfway sane results.

You gave Jeb Bush a 10?
Why would you want someone you would give less than a 10 given the depth of the theoretical talent pool available?
You gave Jeb Bush a 10?

Why would you want someone you would give less than a 10 given the depth of the theoretical talent pool available?

I imagine you probably wouldn't, but you are not the dictator. Maybe you rate other choices you find acceptable in the hopes that maybe you aren't stuck with the worst option. Or maybe you just bullet vote for your favorites. Vote however you want man. It actually makes the data better if people vote in different ways and using different strategies. Given what you know about the system, try to game it. Or vote with total honesty.
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Oh since this is a public vote I'll also reveal the groupings afterwards and you can see who you're most similiar to, it's sort of like a dating site.
George Washington 10
Bill Nelson N/A
Winston Churchill 6
Lenin 2
Adolf Hitler 1
Donald Trump 5
Ron Paul 8
Hilldog 2
Mao Zedong 2
Abraham Lincoln 6
Enoch Powell 4
Bernie Sanders 3
Emmanuel Macron 4
Deng Xiaoping 3
Pol Pot 1
Thomas Jefferson 10
Alexander Hamilton 7
Nelson Mandela 7
Martin Luther King 7
Eugene V. Debbs N/A
Jeremy Corbyn 5
Jeb Bush 5
I imagine you probably wouldn't, but you are not the dictator. Maybe you rate other choices you find acceptable in the hopes that maybe you aren't stuck with the worst option. Or maybe you just bullet vote for your favorites. Vote however you want man. It actually makes the data better if people vote in different ways and using different strategies. Given what you know about the system, try to game it. Or vote with total honesty.

I will try given your choices but I am not clear I understand the scoring given the number of choices.

George Washington: 10
Bill Nelson: 2
Winston Churchill: 2
Vladmir Lenin: 0
Adolf Hitler: 0
Donald Trump: 0
Ron Paul: 10
Hilldog: -247
Mao Zedong: 3
Abraham Lincoln: 1
Enoch Powell: 2
Emmanuel Macron: 2
Deng Xiaoping: 2
Pol Pot: 0
Thomas Jefferson: 1
Alexander Hamilton: 6
Nelson Mandela: 10
Martin Luther King: 10
FDR: 4
Eugene V. Debs: 4
Jeremy Corbyn: 4
Jeb Bush: 8

Why would you want people who tried to conquer the world to be in charge of the world? They would get bored.
I put in a lot of choices to try and stress the system. Widely and universally admired choices, obscure choices, polarizing choices, universally hated choices, and boring choices like Bill Nelson. If someone can figure out how to game it and show that it's retarded, I would be thankful. If it's a good system, most of the widely and universally admired choices would get elected, maybe a few of the polarizing ones, but they shouldn't form a majority.
I'll also accept ballots that just consist of five or more names, I'll count them all as bullet votes at "10" value. I know a lot of people would vote like that in the real world so it'd actually be nice to have some ballots like that mixed in to see how the system reacts to it.
Here is the one problem with this, certain figures have been mythologized. We may think for example, we would all love George Washington in the the modern day... But for all we know hed still be a big proponent of slavery. So we are mostly voting on mythology.
It would be hilarious if George Washington came back from the dead, we elected him president, and it turned out he wasn't very good at it.
Here is the one problem with this, certain figures have been mythologized. We may think for example, we would all love George Washington in the the modern day... But for all we know hed still be a big proponent of slavery. So we are mostly voting on mythology.

As opposed to today, where we know everything objective about our candidates and don't have preconceived ideas about them?
It would be hilarious if George Washington came back from the dead, we elected him president, and it turned out he wasn't very good at it.

He probably wouldn't be. The presidency of today has more power than Washington ever wanted or had access to.
As opposed to today, where we know everything objective about our candidates and don't have preconceived ideas about them?

i know our candidates don't support slavery. If we could teleport washington to our time he might be like.. "what... black people voting? what the FUCK IS THIS SHIT? and you can't even own slaves anymore? and we let women vote too? holy fucking shit what a disaster! what kind of shitbomb did I create? lets fucking dissolve the nation right now and start over"

like george washington might actually become a terrorist or some shit. it's ludacris to project what people from 250 years ago would feel about today. Most people over the age of 50/60 are pretty conservative. Imagine what people 250 years behind might think.

That said this is just a silly watermark thread, so whatever. But if people are looking at this seriously, then you simply cannot really determine what is right. So we will vote on our mythologized perceptions of people like jefferson (who will probably get a 9 from me), but in reality we have no idea what'd they be like today.
Lincoln's probably the safest pre-20th Century bet on that list. I'm surprised that Watermark allowed the list to be so US-centric, given that he's a leftist, and they generally imagine a world government not presided/ruled-over by an American.
Lincoln's probably the safest pre-20th Century bet on that list. I'm surprised that Watermark allowed the list to be so US-centric, given that he's a leftist, and they generally imagine a world government not presided/ruled-over by an American.

That's because America is a society of loners these days. We have to do everything our own way, and people are often stuck in the past. Some people are upset over roundabouts becoming more prevalent for heavens sake. I'm supposed to be a shut in, that has trouble with change, but many in this country make me look flexible, and adaptive.
That's because America is a society of loners these days. We have to do everything our own way, and people are often stuck in the past. Some people are upset over roundabouts becoming more prevalent for heavens sake. I'm supposed to be a shut in, that has trouble with change, but many in this country make me look flexible, and adaptive.

Fuck roundabouts. Anyway, Americans have always been this way.