APP - Election Night 2020


Former Vice President
It wouldn't surprise me if very shortly you see the major networks band together and pledge not to call a winner on election night, unless of course that winner is Joe Biden, which everyone knows it will not be.

They will not want to give Trump the momentum or the talking point of winning on election night

It will be a travesty of justice, but that is what the left in this country has been reduced to.

Lets look at all the things the left have done to undo a free and fair election in 2016

1) They illegally spied on a campaign
2) They illegally leaked information
3) They conspired with corrupt generals to plot a coup
4) They launched an unwarranted special prosecutor
5) They launched a specious impeachment
6) They used illegal acts to close down our economy to harm citizens
7) They are supporting rioters
8) They are pushing mail in voting schemes that are unreliable