Elections May Leave Bush An Early Lame Duck


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On desks around the West Wing sit digital clocks counting down the days and hours left in the Bush presidency, reminders to the White House staff to use the time left as effectively as possible. As of 8 a.m. today, those clocks will read 825 days, four hours. But if the elections go the way pollsters and pundits predict, they might as well read 20

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More like a dead duck I would think, once the dems control congress and start the investigations... Unless Bush does like his pappy and pardons himself.
I've thought he has been lame duck since he was unable, even with a majority, to get SS reform even seriously discussed.
Heck he has not even come up with a SSI plan, just vague suggestions and looking for a blank check on it. I think even the Republican side of congress is very leery of writing any more blank checks for Bush.