Electric vehicle mandate will wreck economy; destroy power grid; emit more CO2


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Toyota CEO Akio Toyoda doesn't mince words. As the grandson of Toyota founder, Kiichiro Toyoda, the scion was raised surrounded by all aspects of the auto industry and his business acumen is second to none. So when he had some harsh words for electric vehicles, people took notice.

The Wall Street Journal noted the CEO's disdain for EVs boils down to his belief they'll ruin businesses, require massive investments, and even emit more carbon dioxide than combustion-engined vehicles.

"The current business model of the car industry is going to collapse," he said. "The more EVs we build, the worse carbon dioxide gets. When politicians are out there saying, 'Let's get rid of all cars using gasoline,' do they understand this?"

Toyoda further explained to his audience that the world would deplete its supply of electricity in the summer if all cars were running on electric power.

The required infrastructure to support 100 percent EVs would cost Japan alone between $135 billion and $358 billion.

Furthermore, most electricity is generated by fossil fuels like coal and natural gas, thus eliminating the entire concept of 'zero-emissions vehicles.'

Tesla CEO says electric cars will double global electricity demand

Elon Musk said that electricity consumption will double if the world's car fleets are electrified.

Increasing the availability of sustainable energy is a major challenge as cars move from combustion engines to battery-driven electric motors, a shift which will take two decades, Musk said.

"BYD Auto, which is 25% owned by Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway BRK.B -1.3%, produces lots of different electric vehicles but the one receiving the most interest currently is the Han, a luxury sedan. The long-range version has a Tesla Model S-rivalling 376-mile range while the high-performance option can hit 62mph in 3.9 seconds – not as fast as a Model S Performance but still highly commendable. Prices will range from $32,800-$40,000. BYD has an electric car partnership with Toyota, and conventional engine partnership with Mercedes. But it’s already selling EVs in the US, including the e6 MPV for fleets, an electric bus, and an electric garbage truck that is in service in California."
"If it was a pure free market based on value for money, Chinese electric cars would be giving European and American manufacturers sleepless nights already. But it’s likely that politics and economic protectionism will keep them at bay for a while. How long it will be before the dam breaks and Chinese EVs flood in is uncertain, but it probably won’t be possible to hold them back forever."
Legion never makes much sense, but really? We need to overhaul our aging power grid along with most of our infrastructure but how would electric cars create more Carbon emissions than gasoline cars? And no, electricity isn't mostly from fossil fuels. There are countless sources of electricity not from fossil fuels or coal.
Legion never makes much sense, but really? We need to overhaul our aging power grid along with most of our infrastructure but how would electric cars create more Carbon emissions than gasoline cars? And no, electricity isn't mostly from fossil fuels. There are countless sources of electricity not from fossil fuels or coal.

Jade. Thank you for giving Legina his Morning Spanking.
We need to overhaul our aging power grid along with most of our infrastructure.

Are you willing to pay for it?

Didn't think so.

How would electric cars create more Carbon emissions than gasoline cars?

By running on electricity generated by fossil fuels, stupid.

And no, electricity isn't mostly from fossil fuels. There are countless sources of electricity not from fossil fuels or coal.

The data says you lie:

Fossil fuels are the largest sources of energy for electricity generation


Toyota CEO Akio Toyoda doesn't mince words. As the grandson of Toyota founder, Kiichiro Toyoda, the scion was raised surrounded by all aspects of the auto industry and his business acumen is second to none. So when he had some harsh words for electric vehicles, people took notice.

The Wall Street Journal noted the CEO's disdain for EVs boils down to his belief they'll ruin businesses, require massive investments, and even emit more carbon dioxide than combustion-engined vehicles.

"The current business model of the car industry is going to collapse," he said. "The more EVs we build, the worse carbon dioxide gets. When politicians are out there saying, 'Let's get rid of all cars using gasoline,' do they understand this?"

Toyoda further explained to his audience that the world would deplete its supply of electricity in the summer if all cars were running on electric power.

The required infrastructure to support 100 percent EVs would cost Japan alone between $135 billion and $358 billion.

Furthermore, most electricity is generated by fossil fuels like coal and natural gas, thus eliminating the entire concept of 'zero-emissions vehicles.'


Poor Legion, he just isn't all there.