Elephants 1, Poachers 0


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China Shuts Down Domestic Ivory Trade In Effort To Fight Poaching

“We can start 2018 hopeful that elephants will be safer,” said one environmentalist.

WASHINGTON — China, one of the world’s largest markets for elephant ivory, will close out 2017 by shutting down its domestic ivory trade in an effort to curb poaching and ensure a future for the imperiled species.

A ban on all ivory sales kicked in Sunday, a year after China announced a four-step plan to end its legal market.

The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, or CITES, an international treaty to prevent animal trafficking and species extinction, celebrated the new law taking effect in a post to Twitter.

WildAid, an environmental organization working to end the wildlife trade, called the move the “greatest single step toward reducing elephant poaching.”

“We can start 2018 hopeful that elephants will be safer now that China has banned commercial ivory sales,” WildAid CEO Peter Knights said in a statement. “Prices are down and law enforcement efforts in many parts of Africa and Asia are much improved.”

Conservation groups estimate that some 30,000 African elephants are killed by poachers each year; their tusks carved into trinkets, chopsticks, jewelry and other items purchased by some Chinese consumers. They say China’s legal market has allowed for an illegal one to also thrive. In a January 2016 report, National Geographic estimated that China’s legal ivory stockpile to be around 40 metric tons, while its illegal stocks were around 25 times larger.

Since its announcement late last year, China has seen an 80 percent drop in the amount of ivory being seized at the border and a 65 percent decline in raw ivory prices, according to WildAid. The ban will result in more than 170 ivory-carving factories and retail outlets being closed. The ban does not apply to the Chinese territory Hong Kong, an ivory hub that is also considering a sales ban. Local government officials there are expected to vote on the matter early next year.

Nice to hear some good news for a change.

The only thing I can think of that would make it better, would be the addition of a video showing an elephant poacher (or even better, a group of them) being trampled to death by a herd of pissed off elephants.
Nice to hear some good news for a change.

The only thing I can think of that would make it better, would be the addition of a video showing an elephant poacher (or even better, a group of them) being trampled to death by a herd of pissed off elephants.

For some reason, the thought of violent deaths of elephant poachers warms my heart this holiday season....thank you for that wonderful mental picture.

I have always had an affinity for stories of instant karma....particularly when animals or children are involved!

"NOW IT'S WAR" Wildlife park rangers kill vile poacher caught stripping ivory from dead elephant

A NOTORIOUS poacher has been shot dead as he was stripping ivory from an elephant in the park where Cecil the Lion was slaughtered.

The poacher who died was on bail for illegal hunting when his gang was confronted by park rangers and police in Zimbabwe’s famous Hawange National Park.
A second poacher was also badly wounded in the operation launched after shots were heard ringing out near the park’s main camp.

The Bhejane Trust, a non-profit conservation trust named after the Ndebele word for black rhinos, detailed the incident in a statement, explaining how the poacher killed had died one 150 metres from the “contact scene”, while the wounded suspect initially fled the scene but was later captured with three gunshot wounds to the shoulder and thigh.
Four tusks and a rifle were recovered at the scene.

The statement continued: “This incident again emphasises the dedication of the park’s rangers on the frontline, working under difficult and dangerous conditions to protect our wildlife.

Nice to hear some good news for a change.
The only thing I can think of that would make it better, would be the addition of a video showing an elephant poacher (or even better, a group of them) being trampled to death by a herd of pissed off elephants.

Your wish is my command!

Nice to hear some good news for a change.
The only thing I can think of that would make it better, would be the addition of a video showing an elephant poacher (or even better, a group of them) being trampled to death by a herd of pissed off elephants.

And another......

Perfect example of liberal logic:
Poacher killed by elephant = justice
Killer executed for murder = inhumane

Who's against executing murderers? Oh, I see. You're bloviating again, assuming that because some people are against it therefore *all* liberals feel the same.

Carry on. We expect no less of our retarded RWNJ kinfolk.
Perfect example of liberal logic:
Poacher killed by elephant = justice
Killer executed for murder = inhumane


Brain addled by too much OxyContin, perhaps?

This isn't a court of law. The elephants are defending themselves. Are you familiar with the concept of exercising self-defense in the face of a mortal threat?

Next time someone tries to murder you, you have my permission to use lethal force to defend yourself.

I would agree with this if we somehow made black markets disappear. Basically they made an illegal activity that is already underground move "underground"... I'm glad society says that ivory trade is illegal, I'm sad that it will likely still continue.
Brain addled by too much OxyContin, perhaps?

This isn't a court of law. The elephants are defending themselves. Are you familiar with the concept of exercising self-defense in the face of a mortal threat?

Next time someone tries to murder you, you have my permission to use lethal force to defend yourself.

Personally, I'd rather he didn't.

Better for him to just let things take their course.

Better for everyone else, anyway.
Perfect example of liberal logic:
Poacher killed by elephant = justice
Killer executed for murder = inhumane


Poor logic. You now have a membership in the bad analogy club.

More apt analogy.... If the killer was instead shot by an armed victim during an attack even those who oppose the death penalty would likely have no objection. Every form of life has a right to defend themselves.
Nice to hear some good news for a change.

The only thing I can think of that would make it better, would be the addition of a video showing an elephant poacher (or even better, a group of them) being trampled to death by a herd of pissed off elephants.
Bad news for the trump twins
Who's against executing murderers? Oh, I see. You're bloviating again, assuming that because some people are against it therefore *all* liberals feel the same.

Carry on. We expect no less of our retarded RWNJ kinfolk.

You mean like how liberals bloviate and assume that "all" those on the right feel the same.
Brain addled by too much OxyContin, perhaps?

This isn't a court of law. The elephants are defending themselves. Are you familiar with the concept of exercising self-defense in the face of a mortal threat?

Next time someone tries to murder you, you have my permission to use lethal force to defend yourself.

I never said anything about a person defending themselves and was showing the hypocrisy of the left; but then, you knew that and were just trying to appear cognitive. :good4u:
Poor logic. You now have a membership in the bad analogy club.

More apt analogy.... If the killer was instead shot by an armed victim during an attack even those who oppose the death penalty would likely have no objection. Every form of life has a right to defend themselves.

But you are incorrect; because we can see everyday the reaction that results in armed individuals being shot and the resulting finger pointing.