Ellis Island’s museum is getting a 21st-century makeover, more than 100 years

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
A new $100-million project aims to revitalize the 125-year-old landmark with immersive and modern exhibits. Recently announced renovations and upgrades at the historic site also include plans to more than double the number of records available to visitors who hope to trace their families’ stories there.

“This is a historic effort in a really important place to assure that it remains vital and relevant,” says Jesse Brackenbury, president and CEO of the Statue of Liberty – Ellis Island Foundation.

From 1820 to 1957, New York welcomed over 65 million immigrants from around the globe in search of new opportunity.

The new structure on Ellis Island began receiving arriving immigrants on January 1, 1892. Annie Moore, a teenage girl from Ireland, accompanied by her two younger brothers, made history as the very first immigrant to be processed at Ellis Island. Over the next 62 years, more than 12 million immigrants would arrive in the United States via Ellis Island.
Are you denying that the trump's claimed to be Swedish, and changed their names to hide their German origin?

first I heard of it......are you denying you thought the NYC case against Trump was about him stealing money?......first time I heard that too......you certainly are a wealth of ignorance......
first I heard of it.

You never heard a central part of the trump story? Maybe you should learn some more about trump before posting your opinions about him?

are you denying you thought the NYC case against Trump was about him stealing money?

There are multiple NYC cases, so you have to be more specific. But most of them are far more derivative than directly about stealing money. In essence, they are about lying on forms about whether he in essence stole money.
sad what demmycrats pay attention to........you don't give a fuck that Biden is flooding the country with Venezuelan gang members but HEY!......SWEDEN!.....

ANd those Venezuelan gang members are COMING FOR YOUR JOB! There's nothing Venezuelan Gangs like more than sliding in and taking over middle management jobs in corporations. I heard tell one particularly graphic story about a Venezuelan Gang Member sneaking into America and then becoming Vice President for Corporate Transition at one place. They installed a new version of stage gate AFTER eating all the donuts in the break room.
sad what demmycrats pay attention to........you don't give a fuck that Biden is flooding the country with Venezuelan gang members but HEY!......SWEDEN!.....

The Trump Family’s Immigrant Story
For decades, they denied their German roots, claiming to be of Scandinavian origin.

On October 7, 1885, Friedrich Trump, a 16-year-old German barber, bought a one-way ticket for America, escaping three years of compulsory German military service. He had been a sickly child, unsuited to hard labor, and feared the effects of the draft. It might have been illegal, but America didn’t care about this law-breaking—at that time, Germans were seen as highly desirable migrants—and Trump was welcomed with open arms. Less than two weeks later, he arrived in New York, where he would eventually make a small fortune. More than a century later, his grandson, Donald Trump, became the 45th president of Friedrich’s adopted home.

But for decades, Trump denied this German heritage altogether, instead claiming that his grandfather’s roots lay further north, in Scandinavia. “[He] came here from Sweden as a child,” Trump asserted in his co-written book The Art of the Deal. In fact, his cousin and family historian John Walter told The New York Times, Trump maintained the ruse at the request of his own realtor father, Fred Trump, who had obfuscated his German ancestry to avoid upsetting Jewish friends and clients. “After the war,” Walter told the Times, “he’s still Swedish. [The lie] was just going, going, going.”

Guno צְבִי;5952442 said:
A new $100-million project aims to revitalize the 125-year-old landmark with immersive and modern exhibits. Recently announced renovations and upgrades at the historic site also include plans to more than double the number of records available to visitors who hope to trace their families’ stories there.

“This is a historic effort in a really important place to assure that it remains vital and relevant,” says Jesse Brackenbury, president and CEO of the Statue of Liberty – Ellis Island Foundation.


I thought they did this not to long ago? Certainly had changed in the decades in between the times I have been there

Funny part of visiting the island is that they emphasize how bad an experience it was for many, and I am not question that reality, but if you look at the intelligence test the immigrants were given you’d have to conclude that if they were that dumb to fail that test maybe they shouldn’t have been allowed in
Guno צְבִי;5954043 said:
The Trump Family’s Immigrant Story
For decades, they denied their German roots, claiming to be of Scandinavian origin.

On October 7, 1885, Friedrich Trump, a 16-year-old German barber, bought a one-way ticket for America, escaping three years of compulsory German military service. He had been a sickly child, unsuited to hard labor, and feared the effects of the draft. It might have been illegal, but America didn’t care about this law-breaking—at that time, Germans were seen as highly desirable migrants—and Trump was welcomed with open arms. Less than two weeks later, he arrived in New York, where he would eventually make a small fortune. More than a century later, his grandson, Donald Trump, became the 45th president of Friedrich’s adopted home.

But for decades, Trump denied this German heritage altogether, instead claiming that his grandfather’s roots lay further north, in Scandinavia. “[He] came here from Sweden as a child,” Trump asserted in his co-written book The Art of the Deal. In fact, his cousin and family historian John Walter told The New York Times, Trump maintained the ruse at the request of his own realtor father, Fred Trump, who had obfuscated his German ancestry to avoid upsetting Jewish friends and clients. “After the war,” Walter told the Times, “he’s still Swedish. [The lie] was just going, going, going.”

