Employers Add 157,000 Jobs in May


Villified User
Employers Add 157,000 Jobs in May

Jun 1, 8:41 AM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - Employers showed a decent appetite to hire in May, boosting payrolls by 157,000, the most in two months. The unemployment rate held steady at 4.5 percent.

The newest report on the nation's overall employment climate, released Friday by the Labor Department, suggested that the sluggish spell the economy has been experiencing hasn't severly crimped companies' need for workers. Those with jobs saw modest wage gains last month.

Health care, education, professional and business services, leisure and hospitality, and the government were among the sectors adding jobs in May. But weakness persisted in manufacturing, construction and retailing, partly reflecting fallout from a yearlong housing slump.

The new report on labor activity was better than economists were expecting. They were forecasting employers to add just 135,000 jobs in May. They did, however, say they believed the overall unemployment rate would stay at 4.5 percent, considered relatively low by historical standards.

Employers boosted payrolls by 175,000 in March and by another 80,000 in April, according to revised figures released Friday. Job gains for each of those months were just a tad smaller than previously estimated.

Friday's employment report was encouraging because it also indicated that companies are holding up well to the recent rise in gasoline and other energy costs.

Education and health services added 54,000 jobs last month. Professional and busineses services expanded employment by 32,000. Leisure and hospitality boosted payrolls by 46,000 and the government added 22,000 positions. Those gains help to blunt weankess elsewhere. Manufacturers shed 19,000 jobs and retailers cut 5,000. Construction employment showed no change.

These are industries with high government involvement, which are more insulated from the real world, and do well because of their totalitarian and fascist nature, and it's the service industry, where people fall to after being savaged by the new world order.
Looks like a great number, a high % are high paying college educated jobs.
Which would surely piss off an anti-establishment anti education asshat.:clink:
Looks like a great number, a high % are high paying college educated jobs.
Which would surely piss off an anti-establishment anti education asshat.:clink:

They're in the most fascist sectors, and explicitly NOT IT workers. Western IT workers are too much of a threat to the NWO. So they import brown people who are used to being treated like slaves, due to the hierarchical nature of their home societies.
You got something against brown people AHZ ?

I did notice you said brown people not immigrants, furriners or anything like that....
I'm going to go out on a limb.
Asshat worked IT backoffice support for a third rate company for years and had his job outsourced. Now he is the Jeffery Dahmer of outsourced victims.

Most of the IT people I know are making over $100,000 and doing fine.:clink:
Those numbers look promising on the surface. How do they compare to previous years, same months? What is the comparison as to seasonally adjusted rates?

Just questioning.
I think they are pretty average for the bush years. Better than many months.
Lotsa retail and management jobs. And 22,000 govt jobs. Was that the Surge troops ?
the key number for investors is how will it add or subtract from growth. For politicians, he can easily be Bushwachked since Clinton did better with his eyes closed.

That said 150,000 is juice to the economy. My guess is under 80,000 would be recession calling, 100,000 would = about 2% growth.:readit:

the key number for investors is how will it add or subtract from growth. For politicians, he can easily be Bushwachked since Clinton did better with his eyes closed.

That said 150,000 is juice to the economy. My guess is under 80,000 would be recession calling, 100,000 would = about 2% growth.:readit:

Both sides of the aisle are apparently drinking 'coolaid'....yes 150,000 new jobs have been added...alas they are 'service jobs' and more than fifty percent went to "Illegal Aliens'..God I wish y'all lived during 'Happy Days" when we knew who we were and helped everyone who was a citizen...what can I say but y'all are confused!