Employers held on charges of harboring illegal aliens


Junior Member
Employers held on charges of harboring illegal aliens
July 23, 2006

Employers in three states targeted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents as part of an enhanced effort to combat illegal-alien employment schemes have been arrested for, or pleaded guilty to, charges of harboring illegal aliens.
ICE spokesman Dean Boyd said two limited-liability corporations in Kentucky -- Asha Ventures LLC and Narayan LLC -- pleaded guilty Thursday to criminal charges of harboring illegal aliens and money laundering in an illegal employment scheme at hotels. They agreed to pay $1.5 million cash in lieu of forfeiture and create internal compliance programs.
Sentencing in the case is scheduled for October.
In Ohio, ICE agents arrested the owner of a restaurant on felony charges of harboring illegal aliens after 10 of his illegal workers were apprehended, Mr. Boyd said. Chinese citizen Jiang Fei Jiang, 36, who owns and operates Bee's Buffet in Fairfield, was arrested Thursday.
In Arkansas on Tuesday, ICE agents arrested the owner of a construction business -- Arevalo Framing Associates in Springdale -- on felony charges and apprehended 27 of his illegal workers, ICE said. Alejandro Arevalo, the manager of Arevalo Framing, was charged with harboring illegal aliens and re-entry after deportation.
"ICE is taking an increasingly tough stance against egregious corporate violators that knowingly employ illegal aliens. Bringing criminal charges against these unscrupulous employers and targeting their ill-gotten gains is a tactic we are adopting nationwide," said Homeland Security Assistant Secretary Julie L. Myers, who heads ICE.
Mr. Boyd said that during fiscal 2006, ICE has arrested 445 persons on criminal charges in work-site investigations and apprehended another 2,700 of their illegal workers on immigration violations. During fiscal 2005, he said, ICE arrested 176 persons on criminal charges and another 1,116 illegal-alien workers.
The thing is that what if the employer doesn't know they hired an illegal? They will be very wary of hiring anyone that looks latino and that might make things worse for all.
TheDanold said:
The thing is that what if the employer doesn't know they hired an illegal? They will be very wary of hiring anyone that looks latino and that might make things worse for all.

The punishment is only for those that know. This means that employers need to check into the identification provided, nothing more.
We should have been doing this all along, then we would not be faced with this huge issue...

It is a simple phone call to verify an employee with a SS number and match up of name....

or to ask for a current green card....

As an American citizen, I had to go through hell to get a job as a temp with my husband's employer...

My social security card had never been changed to my married name because I had continued working under my maiden name when we married.

the company matt worked for would not hire me because they knew me under my married name and my SS was under my maiuden name....

I kid you not....

I had to go to the SS office and change my name before they would pay me....I worked three weeks without pay untill they got the change verified from SS....and gave me a pay check...

And I don't even speak a foreign language, I even sent them my birth certificate and my marriage license showing that I was one and the same as who was on my SS card....they still would not pay me....and my husband worked for them for Jimminnees sake!

TheDanold said:
The thing is that what if the employer doesn't know they hired an illegal? They will be very wary of hiring anyone that looks latino and that might make things worse for all.

Strawman alert! This has nothing to do with discriminating against latinos. Its about time these companies are held accountable for usurping our immigration process.
Often large companies who hire illegals knowingly keep them in horrid conditions. This is more than just usurping policy, it's a humanities issue as well.
I know that damo, but dano, like most apologists are trying to make this out to be a racial issue rather than what it is and gets me quite annoyed.
I'm all for this because it affects me directly. I've lost all my contractors to cheap illegal labor. I feared it would happen last year and I was right. The Connecticut government's lack of effort to stop illegals (they gather 500 strong every day in the middle of Danbury) has given a green light to every single builder in the area. They have nothing to fear because they know the gov ain't gonna do a thing. Hopefully other states will begin to crack down and the illegals will scurry back to their homelands.
You know, the funny thing about the illegal immigration issues we are harping on now, is that most of them are liberal initiatives. They began back when the whole racial profiling issues arose, and we had a liberal-fest about re-writing all our laws to prohibit any kind of possible profiling of individuals, the ACLU backed it up, the NAACP backed it up, Jesse backed it up... and we made the laws less intrusive on personal privacy regarding ethnicity, nationality, etc.

It wasn't that long ago, California actually had an initiative to give illegal immigrants a driver's licence! Liberals are ready to sign them up to vote, get welfare, get social service entitlements, get hooked on government taking care of them, so they can have a base again.

Do you folks not remember Farm Aid? Big Concert... to raise money for the poor farmers who were losing their farms because they couldn't make it work. Well guess what? Illegal Immigrants were the solution to many poor farmers problem. Now what? Liberals are saying to fine the poor farmers our of business because they are providing a source of income for the illegal immigrant?

Then what's next? Do Liberals ever think ahead? Say we put Maw & Paw Produce out of bid'ness... what do we do with Pedro? Do you honestly think 14-20 million people are suddenly going to say.. oh well, no more work here, let's just sneak back into Mexico where there's no work either...? I mean, get real!

First priority should be to stop the leak. Seal the border. Once that is done sufficiently, we can discuss the rest of the problem, and there is a problem. Our social security and medicare system is not constructed to deal with another equivalent to the Baby-Boomer Generation. Even with radical modification, we simply will not be able to take care of future generations, if we factor in 14-20 million multiplied by their own reproduction. Our entire social services sector will crash eventually. It's being stretched to its limits now. At some point, these people either need to be participating in the system, or gone. Period.

So what is the solution there? I think this is where Bush got the "Guest Worker" idea, but it didn't fly too well because we haven't yet stopped the leaks. Nothing is going to work until that is done first. I don't know that I like "Guest Worker" so much as I like the idea of registering these people somehow, so we can conduct background checks on them and find out who we have in our midst. I don't suppose many of them would voluntarily come in and be fingerprinted and such, just to be nice about it. So, some sort of an "incentive" program like Guest Worker, might not be such a bad approach, as it would give them, not a path to citizenship so much as a path to legitimacy.

There is certainly no Quick Fix or Easy Solution to this problem.
Dixie said:
You know, the funny thing about the illegal immigration issues we are harping on now, is that most of them are liberal initiatives. They began back when the whole racial profiling issues arose, and we had a liberal-fest about re-writing all our laws to prohibit any kind of possible profiling of individuals, the ACLU backed it up, the NAACP backed it up, Jesse backed it up... and we made the laws less intrusive on personal privacy regarding ethnicity, nationality, etc. our problems have 10 folded since the first amnesty given to the illegals under reagan.

It wasn't that long ago, California actually had an initiative to give illegal immigrants a driver's licence! Liberals are ready to sign them up to vote, get welfare, get social service entitlements, get hooked on government taking care of them, so they can have a base again. interesting.....i thought illegals were hard workers for only pennies on the dollar and that's why they have been given the free reign...?

Do you folks not remember Farm Aid? Big Concert... to raise money for the poor farmers who were losing their farms because they couldn't make it work. Well guess what? Illegal Immigrants were the solution to many poor farmers problem. Now what? Liberals are saying to fine the poor farmers our of business because they are providing a source of income for the illegal immigrant?

ANY farmer that needed help via migrants picking their crops could get a VISA for them, migrant workers are mostly in this country legally from what i understand, through the programs the gvt set up for our farmers.

Then what's next? Do Liberals ever think ahead? Say we put Maw & Paw Produce out of bid'ness... what do we do with Pedro? Do you honestly think 14-20 million people are suddenly going to say.. oh well, no more work here, let's just sneak back into Mexico where there's no work either...? I mean, get real!

First priority should be to stop the leak. Seal the border. Once that is done sufficiently, we can discuss the rest of the problem, and there is a problem. Our social security and medicare system is not constructed to deal with another equivalent to the Baby-Boomer Generation. Even with radical modification, we simply will not be able to take care of future generations, if we factor in 14-20 million multiplied by their own reproduction. Our entire social services sector will crash eventually. It's being stretched to its limits now. At some point, these people either need to be participating in the system, or gone. Period.
where there is a will, there is a ''way'' dixie....you can't stop them, because the ''field of dreams'' has been built. you need to STP the DEMAND at its source, simultaneously with securing the border.
tianabautre said:
Well tin, according to Bush they are there to do the jobs that you don't want to do.

I know... that's why I'm no longer a republican and will never ever vote repub again. Interestingly, it's also democrats who say the same thing. shall I find some Hillary quotes? Both sides have stabbed people like me in the back. As a result, i'm no longer working on the books. No more tax dollars from this loser. They can lock me up if they want. I'm already a prisoner of this country.
Not a smart thing to write tin. I'd delete that immediately if I were you. A certain former Survivor cast member is getting 4 years for what you're doing and he had a credible defense.
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tinfoil said:
I know... that's why I'm no longer a republican and will never ever vote repub again. Interestingly, it's also democrats who say the same thing. shall I find some Hillary quotes? Both sides have stabbed people like me in the back. As a result, i'm no longer working on the books. No more tax dollars from this loser. They can lock me up if they want. I'm already a prisoner of this country.

I think you are doing your country a service by evading taxes. The more money you keep in the private sector, the better for the country. The fat bitch already has more than enough money to be constitutionally effective. They do not need a penny more than that.

Damocles '06!
How the hell is that a service? You know nothing substantial is getting cut, and even if it is, they are going to pork up the military budget in lieu of, which means you're eventually somewhere somehow going to have to pay more taxes to make up for what he's not paying into. This is why I'm beginning to support a VAT.
LadyT said:
How the hell is that a service? You know nothing substantial is getting cut, and even if it is, they are going to pork up the military budget in lieu of, which means you're eventually somewhere somehow going to have to pay more taxes to make up for what he's not paying into. This is why I'm beginning to support a VAT.

Flushing a dollar bill down the toilet is better for the economy than giving it to the government. The fat bitch does not rely on its revenue stream as a guideline for spending. It spends first and then worries about revenues, thus the national deby and the Federal budget defecits. The fiscal leftists in Washington have been doing this for decades. Kudos to stirfry for going underground, I can't blame him. I on the other hand would if I had a choice, but i don't.
I could see how flushing $$ down the toilet is better for the economy (less supply, more demand driving the value up of outstanding dollars.....I'm stretching....but possibly), but not paying your fair share makes others have to pick up the tab.
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Whitey said:
Employers held on charges of harboring illegal aliens
July 23, 2006

Employers in three states targeted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents as part of an enhanced effort to combat illegal-alien employment schemes have been arrested for, or pleaded guilty to, charges of harboring illegal aliens.....

Oh good, my first troll to zap. I see this vile whitey troll found its way over from FP.

Whitey: Enjoy your permanent vacation on the Ignore List!

(kudos to Damo, for installing ignore author)
I know I love it! I had a dixie poser annoying yesterday and like that! Poof.....he's gone