APP - Employers likely to drop coverage


LOL just like I said they would
Government report: Health law could hike prices, make employers drop coverage

The report also suggests that some employers will stop offering their employees healthcare coverage benefits: "A number of workers who currently have employer coverage would likely become enrolled in the expanded Medicaid program or receive subsidized coverage through the [Health] Exchanges. For example, some smaller employers would be inclined to terminate their existing coverage, and companies with low average salaries might find it to their -- and their employees' -- advantage to end their plans..."

Foster claims that the law's penalties on employers who don't offer their workers health insurance "are relatively low compared to prevailing health insurance costs."

Hey, liberals, you guys said I was an idiot when I said this would happen. Does Obama have an idiot making these reports?
Duh, next tell us it takes from the responsible and gives to the poor. Thanks capt obvious , tell us when the sun comes up tomorrow.
LOL just like I said they would
Government report: Health law could hike prices, make employers drop coverage

The report also suggests that some employers will stop offering their employees healthcare coverage benefits: "A number of workers who currently have employer coverage would likely become enrolled in the expanded Medicaid program or receive subsidized coverage through the [Health] Exchanges. For example, some smaller employers would be inclined to terminate their existing coverage, and companies with low average salaries might find it to their -- and their employees' -- advantage to end their plans..."

Foster claims that the law's penalties on employers who don't offer their workers health insurance "are relatively low compared to prevailing health insurance costs."

Hey, liberals, you guys said I was an idiot when I said this would happen. Does Obama have an idiot making these reports?
There's an easy solution to that. One that was by passed in the current legislation. Create a public option and implement price controls.
the medical imsurance people better watch their shit or their little industry will be gone in a couple of years.
LOL just like I said they would
Government report: Health law could hike prices, make employers drop coverage

The report also suggests that some employers will stop offering their employees healthcare coverage benefits: "A number of workers who currently have employer coverage would likely become enrolled in the expanded Medicaid program or receive subsidized coverage through the [Health] Exchanges. For example, some smaller employers would be inclined to terminate their existing coverage, and companies with low average salaries might find it to their -- and their employees' -- advantage to end their plans..."

Foster claims that the law's penalties on employers who don't offer their workers health insurance "are relatively low compared to prevailing health insurance costs."

Hey, liberals, you guys said I was an idiot when I said this would happen. Does Obama have an idiot making these reports?
Hey! Wait! Somebody told me if I liked my plan I could keep it! What do you mean my employer may drop it and not give me a massive raise to compensate?!!
So basically, the liberals here have no retort. they maintained that this would be good for everyone, but just ask the guy who loses his insurance coverage that used to be provided by his employer. His income might increase to make up for it, but, shit, it's a recession right now, so employers can find replacement workers who never even knew about the previous coverage employees used to be provided.

You liberals can't even comment on this simple premise because you know you said it wouldn't happen.

So a great big Fuck You to all you liberals
Crybabies like you are evidence of how good our country has it. I'm sorry you got your ass kicked so much growing up.

What exactly am I whining about? I really haven't engaged in any Obama-bashing, and I infrequently weigh in with negative comments on HCR, and then, usually only because people like you say something that is particularly moronic...

The only aspect of HCR that I have spent any length on is the incredibly childish, fascistic, and moronic portion that will make it a criminal offense for citizens to not purchase health insurance. Beyond that, I am mostly just observing from the distance...
And I bashed it as well, you aren't having your military hc cut and tin-GED like most tea baggers probably has a good enough job not to lose it either. I wish you eighties would grow a pair and get your parrty together enough to slow this bullshit down if not win. Crying won't cut it.
And I bashed it as well, you aren't having your military hc cut and tin-GED like most tea baggers probably has a good enough job not to lose it either. I wish you eighties would grow a pair and get your parrty together enough to slow this bullshit down if not win. Crying won't cut it.

I don't get military hc unless I go on orders for 180 days or more. I will probably do so sometime as soon as mid-August, but currently I am covered under a family plan.

Also, you're the only one here currently crying. I personally think this is all very funny. Especially when people who support all of this get screwed over.
Dumbfuck, I own my own fucking business and I don't need your liberal dumbass help to make my own health decisions.

so there you go, even a guy with a grass cutting business has nothing to worry about. Stop your crying GED boy it's not becoming.
So basically, the liberals here have no retort. they maintained that this would be good for everyone, but just ask the guy who loses his insurance coverage that used to be provided by his employer. His income might increase to make up for it, but, shit, it's a recession right now, so employers can find replacement workers who never even knew about the previous coverage employees used to be provided.

You liberals can't even comment on this simple premise because you know you said it wouldn't happen.

So a great big Fuck You to all you liberals
Dude, no one is answering your post because your argument is straight out of your ass fantasy land. Health Care reform has just begun and if you think this bill is the "BE ALL THERE IS TO BE" on this issue your as dumb as your writing would indicate you to be.