End of a #NeverTrump Grifter


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One of Donald Trump's greatest accomplishments was to purge from the Republican Party its most transactional, self-righteous, and sanctimonious grifters.

It has been 14 years since McCain lost the presidency. He's been dead for nearly five. But thanks to the tragicomic implosion of the Lincoln Project and the slow, painful death of the anti-Trump #Resistance in general, Schmidt is now incinerating what remains of his decades-old relevance for one final grift.

A week ago, Schmidt was claiming Cindy McCain had bashed her own daughter to him while on the campaign trail. By Sunday, he claimed he had lied about an extramarital affair that John McCain denied at the time in order to undercut a thinly sourced New York Times report. Today, Schmidt tells Politico he didn't even vote for his boss in '08, whom he believed "completely unfit to be president."

This whole meltdown is far more unhinged than I or anyone else can express. Stephen Miller (not the Trump one), sums it up succinctly: "The difference between Steve Schmidt and Comet Ping Pong [of the Pizzagate conspiracy theory] is there's actual proof Steve Schmidt's group actually covered for a sexual predator."

Even conservatives reveling in the schadenfreude of Schmidt's collapse have expressed concern over the operative's mental health. I'm less concerned with the clown himself than with the fact that someone like this was able to build and maintain conservative and then cultural credibility for more than two decades.

Schmidt once held the keys to the metaphorical kingdom of the presidential campaign war room — not once, but twice. MSNBC made him a #NeverTrump celebrity specifically because of his fealty to a man he now claims, without a shred of evidence, cheated on his wife, and one whom he didn't even vote for.

The Republican Party that platformed Schmidt for a decade is gone in all but name. But the media that catapulted him into Resistance celebrity needs a reality check. Grifters come and go, but political gatekeepers are forever, and clearly, ours require an upgrade.
Trump is the biggest crook who ever occupied the White House.

What did he do that was crooked?

Be specific now..

Here's what I think..

I think you're so dumbassed (through no fault of your own, they did this to you)

That you have been brainwashed into thinking something that isn't and a very pliable and complacent vessel for Democrats and/or NWO commies to manipulate.
If I said the President of the United States is elected to a 4 year term you would still ask for a link.

No. I learned that in 7th grade. I bet you didn't learn that until 9th or 10th grade.

I know some things. ;)

Funny how Trump was never a crook for like 40 years until he ran for president as a Republican.

Odd, that. Then the accusations started to fly fast and furious as a motherfucker around May 2016 ..right about when he announced he'd run.

80s? No problems. 90s? No problems. 2000s? No problems. 2010s? No problems. 2016? "OMG TRUMP IS THE MOTHERFUCKIN" DEVIL AND I HATE HIM".

Do you not see how utterly fucking ridiculous that shit is?

Just like bashing Giuliani. Fucking buncha partisan lying shitbag morons that wouldn't know the truth if it knocked their front teeth right down their throat and they swallowed them.
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Okay, but you cannot refute anything I said.

I don't have to. You need to prove it, not just allege it.

This goes back to that English class thing. You need to support your assertion.

The burden of proof is on you. I hope you understand that.

How was Trump a bigger "crook" than say..Nixon?

Nixon wasn't a crook. He did some shady politicking, as both sides do, but he got caught.

Not in ary a college in America for 200+ years, bitch. No, you are wrong.

Support your assertion or be dismissed. These are your options. Perhaps you did not take that English class.

Allow me to introduce you to the American liberal education system.

One thing about it is:

If you can't prove your assertions: Fuck you, you're dismissed as irrelevant.

That ain't no bullshit. :dunno:

That's in English 101, I think..
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