End of Christianity?


Are these the End Times . . . for the Christian faith? Some Christians seem to think so. Here's some input from someone who's in a position to know.
NEW YORK (CNN) -- What the hell happened? Where did we go wrong? How was Christianity co-opted by a political party? Why are Christians supporting laws that force others to live by their standards? The answers to these questions are integral to the survival of Christianity.

While the current state of Christianity might seem normal and business-as-usual to some, most see through the judgment and hypocrisy that has permeated the church for so long. People witness this and say to themselves, "Why would I want to be a part of that?" They are turned off by Christians and eventually, to Christianity altogether. We can't even count the number of times someone has given us a weird stare or completely brushed us off when they discover we work for a church.

(Check out the comments from readers at the end. What a riot! Every second or third one is from, well, exactly the sort of vicious idiot they're talking about.)
I read that today -- written by none other than Jimmy and Tammy Faye's little boy. Actually, it was hard to find any fault with what he said.
Most all christians even before they were called Christians have expected the end of the world to happen in their lifetime. It is part of what keeps the religion going.
Its a shame that all these religions are so vague about the date for the end times...

If they could provide us with a date, that pretty much would be the end of the religion, as the day comes and goes.....
Its a shame that all these religions are so vague about the date for the end times...

If they could provide us with a date, that pretty much would be the end of the religion, as the day comes and goes.....
You underestimate the ability of the human mind to rationalize away that which it does not want to accept. Many people predicted the end of the Millenialists when 2000 came and went without incident, yet they're still with us, alas. History tells us it was the same in 1000 A.D. too.
The Deciples of Jesus thought he would return in their lifetime. Jesus even said something to that effect.
Jesus even said something to that effect.

Jesus is REPORTED to have said that, by followers a generation after him....
Correct, Anyold. All in the bible is second hand at best.

And then filtered through many generations of priests, who fiddled about to suit their personal political needs.