End of Islam???

I'll wait for Cliff's Notes, thanks just the same. Self righteous lunatics upset my digestion and I just ate a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich.
Interesting. But the dhimmi's and appologists here will just tear into it as a christian thing.
perhaps in great knowledge of islam you would like to point out the positive aspects of islam?
perhaps in great knowledge of islam you would like to point out the positive aspects of islam?
Do enter all in peace, and do not follow the steps of Satan,

And their greetings in paradise is peace,

Be kind and courteous, and you will soon find that those with whom you have enmity become very close friends... Only those who show patience (perseverance) will enjoy this; only those with great luck shall do.

Do not swear at those who seek (Deity) in other than God.

O Ali, the best of qualities in this life and the hereafter are words of courtesy, generosity, and to forgive those who inflict injustice on you.

God the Dignified has no mercy for one who has no mercy for others.

None of you is a perfect Muslim until he desires for his brother Muslim that which he desires for himself.

God the Most High has revealed to me that you should adopt humility, so that nobody oppresses another, nor one should hold himself above another.
better to keep your mouth shut and let people THINK you are a fool, than write shit like this and remove all doubt.

Abraham Lincoln, though he used less swearing.... lol
Well ya sure....

better to keep your mouth shut and let people THINK you are a fool, than write shit like this and remove all doubt.

left no doubt...all you ever do is use sailor language to bash someone rather than address their question or comment...and pa-lease let's not go back numerous threads and say I did not address your simple question...;)