Energy Source in The Matrix


The evil machines in The Matrix apparently get over the lack of solar power by harvesting humans and using them as power plants. I've been thinking about how retarded this is. Humans are energy CONSUMERS, not PRODUCERS. We TAKE ENERGY IN and CONVERT it to forms we need. When you put organic mass in a human, if you were to convert that into electricity YOU WOULD GET LESS ENERGY THAN YOU PUT INTO THE SYSTEM. If you fed the humans the carcasses of the dead, you would only slightly increase the efficiency of the system, and it would still be a massive net loss. You'd have to make the vast majority of the food that the humans would eat, which would cost more energy than its worth. I'd just like to make it apparent that there's no way that running a huge mill of humans could do anything but lose energy. This is nothing but a fancy perpetual motion device.

Not to mention how retarded the idea of blotting out the sun to damage the robots is. Sure, robots get energy from solar energy, but essentially all energy that powers humans is derived from the sun too. If there weren't a sun, almost all organic life we die. We could survive by creating biomes using geothermal or nuclear energy... BUT SO COULD THE ROBOTS! So you've basically accomplished nothing but to cripple both sides massively and equally.

That is some.
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"with a certain type of fusion, their brainwaves are converted to energy" was morpheus's explaination. it's some type of fusion watermark.
"with a certain type of fusion, their brainwaves are converted to energy" was morpheus's explaination. it's some type of fusion watermark.


OK I admit I haven't actually seen that scene in a long time. So I don't remember the actual process. I just know that putting energy into a human isn't going to produce more energy out of it, no matter what the fuck you do.

OK I admit I haven't actually seen that scene in a long time. So I don't remember the actual process. I just know that putting energy into a human isn't going to produce more energy out of it, no matter what the fuck you do.
It isn't the energy in/energy out process that you are thinking of at play in the Matrix. They need the thoughts specifically for their system. Their thoughts are turned into energy, hence they caged the thoughts....

Yeah, we don't have any technology like that, but it's a movie... You know, fiction.
It isn't the energy in/energy out process that you are thinking of at play in the Matrix. They need the thoughts specifically for their system. Their thoughts are turned into energy, hence they caged the thoughts....

Yeah, we don't have any technology like that, but it's a movie... You know, fiction.

It would still violate the first law of thermodynamics, because for thoughts to produce energy they'd need energy.

I know it's fiction, but it's not obscene to point out where the science was grossly wrong in movies. The Matrix's plot was based on a fancy perpetual motion device.
It would still violate the first law of thermodynamics, because for thoughts to produce energy they'd need energy.

I know it's fiction, but it's not obscene to point out where the science was grossly wrong in movies. The Matrix's plot was based on a fancy perpetual motion device.
Right. The machines found a way around the first law of thermodynamics. That was my point.

This is like arguing that Star Trek ships don't work with physics as we know it today, or that we can't really "transport" things. Or those huge noisy explosions in space wouldn't be noisy at all. Or... so on, and so on.

I remember being the only person who jumped (I wasn't expecting a noise) when the champaign bottle hit the new Enterprise in the first Next Generation movie.
Right. The machines found a way around the first law of thermodynamics. That was my point.

This is like arguing that Star Trek ships don't work with physics as we know it today, or that we can't really "transport" things. Or those huge noisy explosions in space wouldn't be noisy at all. Or... so on, and so on.

I remember being the only person who jumped (I wasn't expecting a noise) when the champaign bottle hit the new Enterprise in the first Next Generation movie.

Star Trek engines are sufficiently far out that you can handwave it by saying "new technology was invented". They did not change the laws of physics. Not a THEORY in physics. A LAW of physics.
Star Trek engines are sufficiently far out that you can handwave it by saying "new technology was invented". They did not change the laws of physics. Not a THEORY in physics. A LAW of physics.
They are equally distant, the internal world of the Matrix itself was set in our time frame, but RL and the war was centuries past that (I think they mentioned the closest they could figure was 1000 or more years later), just like Star Trek.

I think you just want to dislike the movies for some reason, while you want to like the other.

It also would be much like saying the "Force" isn't real so we shouldn't believe all this mitichlorian stuff.
They are equally distant, the internal world of the Matrix itself was set in our time frame, but RL and the war was centuries past that (I think they mentioned the closest they could figure was 1000 or more years later), just like Star Trek.

I think you just want to dislike the movies for some reason, while you want to like the other.

It also would be much like saying the "Force" isn't real so we shouldn't believe all this mitichlorian stuff.

The main point I was making was that it violated a law, while Star Trek FTL is at least plausible under the laws of physics.
No, Star Trek FTL travel is not "plausible" under our current understanding of physics.

God you're such a retard damo.
