Enjoy MOON

I want no trouble with you and I generally have no trouble with you. I do have to say though,....this is over the line IMO. The killing of anyone is not something to celebrate. Those grunts there that did it,....years from now they aren't going to think back on the incident as a fond memory. No way. In fact it most likely will haunt them the rest of their lives whether they ever admit it or not. When you kill someone you aren't just killing an individual,....you are killing a whole line of people that now will never be born. It's actually biblical,....the Bible talks about it. No Sir,....nothing to celebrate here at all.
I want no trouble with you and I generally have no trouble with you. I do have to say though,....this is over the line IMO. The killing of anyone is not something to celebrate. Those grunts there that did it,....years from now they aren't going to think back on the incident as a fond memory. No way. In fact it most likely will haunt them the rest of their lives whether they ever admit it or not. When you kill someone you aren't just killing an individual,....you are killing a whole line of people that now will never be born. It's actually biblical,....the Bible talks about it. No Sir,....nothing to celebrate here at all.
This guy was as bad as Hitler in his views etc...Ne committed the worst attack on Jews since Hitler

There is nothing over the line with him

So OBL death was nothing to celebrate??
This guy was as bad as Hitler in his views etc...Ne committed the worst attack on Jews since Hitler

There is nothing over the line with him

So OBL death was nothing to celebrate??
I stand corrected. I did not know that was him,..thought it was just some run of the mill that was killed. My apologies. Having said that,....it is good that he is gone from this world,....we can celebrate he is gone I guess,...just not the act of killing is all. I know it sounds a bit convoluted but I hope you get what I am trying to say here.
Sinwar deserves to be honored by anybody that opposes the illegal US-backed occupation of Palestine and 76 years of brutality against indigenous Palestinians by the fascist Zionists , hell-bent upon their genocide and the theft of their country.
Sinwar was imprisoned and tortured by the Jews for twenty years. He refused to accept the loss of his country, learned Hebrew in prison and determined to rid Palestine of the Zionist enemy . He is as deserving of respect as any American patriot who would defend the US against an invader with overwhelming force provided by a third party.
The attack on October 7th was a reprisal attack, a reprisal against the humiliation and murder of thousands of Sinwar's countrymen during 2023, over 200 murdered in September 2023 alone by the genocidal Jews emboldened by Trump's insane ME activities and Biden's failure to correct the wrongs that Trump had done. That attack killed hundreds of Zionist soldiers and armed squatter militia- but the Zionist media has simply emphasized the civilians that died, ignoring that many of those were killed by the Zionist soldiers themselves. The hostages taken , soldiers and civilians , were intended to trade for the thousands of Palestinians illegally incarcerated in the Jew's dungeons. Those that have died in Gaza were killed by the Zionist military's bombs and tanks, some even openly executed under the guise of ' mistaken identity '.
That is the brutality that Sinwar faced- and anybody that applauds scum such as ' volkscrock ' urinating on this brave warrior for freedom is also scum.
Many more will die in the battle for Palestine's freedom, Arabs, Jews- and, if Netanyahu gets his way, Americans too. The ideology of freedom does not die with one hero .

