enough with the blame game


In light of the latest round of the 9/11 blame game.. who is going to self destruct? Thats easy... the side that keeps it up... the side that chooses to keep pointing the finger of blame ...
Quite frankly ... Im tired of it. Ive been tired of it for years. I agree with Gullianni... we need to stop poining the finger of blame .. we need to stop blaming Presidents and blame the real culprits ... those who are responsible for 9/11.. those who flew airplanes into our buildings. Personally .. Id rather hear Bush say "the buck stops here and Im not willing to go the route of blaming other Americans" and Id rather hear Clinton say something to the tune of... "Could we have done more? Hind sight is 20/20 and it does no good to look back, the more important thing is to give our current President our full suport in making sure this never happens again"

The blame game is nothing more than trashy political exploitation.
Tell that to Fox News!

Falling into the big bad Conservative Conspiracy bullshit? I blame both sides .... Wallace is a reporter and there is nothing wrong with asking questions. Clinton over-reacted and pointed the finger of blame, his behavour on that interview was trashy and weak at best. Though I'll give him credit for uttering the words "I failed"
Oh Please! Fox news intentionally asked that question of him on the foot of the FALSE path to 9/11 film and if Fox was not newsworthy enough to BE able to single out the lies in path to 9/11, then they are NOT a news network.

and for them to confront Clinton on these same LIES, as though they were TRUE, when the 911 report had ALREADY SHOWED that they were NOT TRUE was nothing but blatent disrespect for President Clinton and IT SHOWED FOX NEWS' PARTISAN HAND.....AND WILLINGNESS TO PARTICIPATE IN SPREADING OUTRIGHT LIES....

wake up my friend.

ps. Clinton handled it GREAT imo.... :D
Oh Please! Fox news intentionally asked that question of him on the foot of the FALSE path to 9/11 film and if Fox was not newsworthy enough to BE able to single out the lies in path to 9/11, then they are NOT a news network.

and for them to confront Clinton on these same LIES, as though they were TRUE, when the 911 report had ALREADY SHOWED that they were NOT TRUE was nothing but blatent disrespect for President Clinton and IT SHOWED FOX NEWS' PARTISAN HAND.....AND WILLINGNESS TO PARTICIPATE IN SPREADING OUTRIGHT LIES....

wake up my friend.

ps. Clinton handled it GREAT imo.... :D

No you wake up! Since when is asking questions a conspiracy? Fox News does not have a right to ask Clinton questions about events that happened under his watch? Dont be such a party hack!
Did you ever think Clinton went into that interview all set to react the way he did? And he did it for political gain? To juice up the activist wing of the Democrats?

Clinton came off very unpresidential ... sounded more like Dean ...

With each passing day ... You people are going more and more off the deepend....

Keep up the self destruction ... thats exactly what the repubs want you to do ....
Wallace is NOT a reporter... He is someone paid to promote his clearly conservative opinions. He is a reporter like Hannity and Combes are reproters.

Wallace with his obnoxious smirk.
Falling into the big bad Conservative Conspiracy bullshit? I blame both sides .... Wallace is a reporter and there is nothing wrong with asking questions. Clinton over-reacted and pointed the finger of blame, his behavour on that interview was trashy and weak at best. Though I'll give him credit for uttering the words "I failed"

Yeah, when was the last time, or the first time, Bush or anyone in his administration would say the same thing. I find it particularly revealing when people begin saying we should stop the blame game and the finger-pointing, especially in the context of an administration that in the last five years has never made a single mistake and as far I can tell in the midst of reports concerning their missteps and incompetence still blames the media and people playing "politics" for all their troubles. Perhaps if these people in this administration who trumpet "personal responsibility" could actually think of a single mistake they have ever made when asked and admit to it instead of blaming everyone except their own global ignorance, incompetence and ineptness for their problems in a war that they freely and energetically engaged in, despite misgivings from some quarters, and in the midst of much name-calling and labeling by them of those who questioned their actions and motives as "treasonous" and "un-American" and instead step up and take responsibility for what they have done, instead of hiding behind every conceivable and possible excuse while never admitting to anything, people wouldn't be pointing fingers.

It might help their case if they weren't always painting themselves as patriotic and everybody who disagrees with their distorted world view and their militaristic approach to every problem as somehow a lesser citizen for that disagreement. And they might drop all this "you're either for us or against us" as if every disagreement is somehow personal. Some of us just don't think war is the answer to all slights or disagreements and we think that long term occupations are nearly always a disaster. And we sort of believe when the shit hits the fan no matter where you are or what you're doing you might let the brush wait, get back in that 747, go back to the office, and get a handle on it, instead of taking a "what, me worry" attitude because as a delegator, to the "best" people like Rumsfeld and Rice you don't really do much except wander around, workout, give speeches, and raise money from the faithful. It's too bad in all the talks Bush has had with Blair the topic of India never came up...must have been all that concentration on toothpaste or maybe it was that incessant need to be upbeat, no matter how bleak or disastrous the scenery. In any event when this administration starts saying they "tried and failed" maybe people will stop pointing fingers at them. But until then all they will be able to do is pay another bunch of swift-boaters to come out and start digging up some garbage from the late 60s in order to trash another dissident and then pretend they had nothing to do with it and that they don’t even agree with the "politics of destruction." Should I go on??????
Wallace is NOT a reporter... He is someone paid to promote his clearly conservative opinions. He is a reporter like Hannity and Combes are reproters.

Wallace with his obnoxious smirk.

What about Clintons obnoxiouz smirk?
In the case of finger-pointing... There are three options.

1. Be part of the problem.
2. Be apathetic to the problem.
3. Be part of the solution.
Wallace reminds me of the kid who got picked on in school so bad that he diveloped this sarcastic attitude as a defense mechanism that unfortunantly turned into a perminant cheractor trait.
In the case of finger-pointing... There are three options.

1. Be part of the problem.
2. Be apathetic to the problem.
3. Be part of the solution.

I agree. and my part of the soloution is to do all I can to get Bush and his band of neocons out of there.
Clinton admitted his failure. He clearly said he tried, and failed to get bin ladin.

Bush has had more time than clinton to get Bin Ladin (1996=year we found out OBL was heading a terrorist group), and more military resources to catch him, and has yet to admit to failure of any kind.
Clinton admitted his failure. He clearly said he tried, and failed to get bin ladin.

Bush has had more time than clinton to get Bin Ladin (1996=year we found out OBL was heading a terrorist group), and more military resources to catch him, and has yet to admit to failure of any kind.

And Bush had more reason to get OBL, he committed the 9-11 terrorist attacks....
Ever notice how when Republicans are losing an argument and are beginning to look bad they always trot out the finger-pointing as a last ditch attempt to shift the conversation. Can they ever take any criticism whatsoever without trying to shift the blame back on the critics. You can't blame me for that you're you're ...finger-pointing. And then after making accusations and resorting once again to name calling, these same people say "support the president." Support a lying, theiving, graft enabler, whose twin wars are filling the coffers of war profiteers while mortgaging the countries future in wars that he is too damn dishonest to admit are bringing this country to the brink while not accomplishing what he has been claiming for nearly 4 years now that they would accomplish. Kiss my ass!

It's about damn time somebody did some finger-pointing. And I'll keep finger-pointing. I don't see finger-pointing as a problem I see finger-pointing as a solution to the prtoblem. As I said yesterday the problem isn't finger-pointing it is the lack of finger-pointing and the cowardice in the face of an accusation of finger-pointing. What this country needs is more finger-pointing not less.

It's about damn time, overdue actually!
Finger pointing is coming back into fashon, at last. The fear of being callued unpatriotic, unamerican and such is dying off as the neocons support dwindles.