EPA Soldier Ants


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I know that parasites at the top of the environmental food chain are doing it for Communism, the United Nations, and/or a government job. Every time I read something about front line environmental freaks I ask myself why so believe the shit they advocate? I always get the same answer. They are the same personality types that fell for everything throughout history. Basically, if environmental freaks did not have environmental horseshit they would believe something else just as idiotic.

Oliver’s article is a sad reminder that freaks are advancing against the world like army ants. The EPA is their bivouac:



The soldiers of army ants are larger than the workers, and they have much larger mandibles than the worker class of ants, with older soldiers possessing larger heads and stronger mandibles than the younger ones. They protect the colony, and help carry the heaviest loads of prey to the colony bivouac.


Sad to say if this freak is not confirmed Shit for Brains Biden will get somebody worse:

Amid renewed scrutiny over her involvement with Earth First! and with the 1989 tree spiking case, Stone-Manning’s confirmation for BLM director remains in flux. No vote has been scheduled for it as of the time of this writing, and most Democrats have remained silent on her nomination despite outspoken opposition from Republicans.

Report: Biden Nominee Edited Radical Ecoterrorist Newsletter Advocating Violence Against Government Officials
by Ashley Oliver
17 Jul 2021


The EPA was set up to enforce the Clean Air Act. It did not take long for environmental freakazoids to expand their authority to “legislating” control over every puddle of fresh water, saving suckerfish, and dictating the use of private property. The EPA also gave itself the authority to fine offenders:

Prior to the EPA/Clean Air Act a suspected lawbreaker was arrested and given a day in court. The EPA circumvented the system. The EPA can fine, tax, shutdown, control an individual’s private property and so on. Former EPA administrator, Lisa Jackson, actually claimed taxing authority.

Back in early April 2010, Jackson announced that she would tax industries to enforce the Clean Air Act. The question was: Where did a bureaucrat get the authority to tax anyone? Certainly not from the Constitution. No police chief in this country can go to a local business, or an individual, suspected of breaking a law and determine the fine —— then collect it. Yet Jackson did just that. No arrests for breaking the law, no day in court for the accused, just the EPA —— in the person of Lisa P. Jackson —— ordering a private business to pay the tax.


Last but not least you would think the FBI went thru the roof when they heard about the Chicago sewer rat’s Executive Order "Amending Executive Order 12425.” The FBI took part in the conspiracy by standing silent, while NY bullshit artist, President Donald Trump, acted like he never heard about 12425. In fact, I have not heard one objection from anybody with a public voice defend this country’s sovereignty against the U.N.

What are the odds the SCOTUS will vote against something called International Environmental Law; i.e. United Nations Law?

For years, I have been saying that the EPA is a de facto U.N. bureaucracy. Now that the relationship between INTERPOL and the U.N. is less obscure than it was in the past, Obama’s reasons for inviting INTERPOL into this country are obvious. INTERPOL is here to oblige everything environmental freakazoids in organizations like Global E-Waste Crime Group inventing a crime.

And what in hell is a Global E-Waste Crime Group in the first place? The name sounds like Dick Tracy’s Crimestoppers from the old comic strip. It is certainly not crime as Americans understand crime, but it is crime as defined by America’s enemies. Inevitably, so-called environmental crimes will be tried in the U.N.’s judicial system. Boy, was that a surprise!

In 2010 INTERPOL pledged war on “environmental crime” whatever the hell that is. Bolivia’s President Evo Morales, a bedbug in his own right, even called for prosecuting criminal “countries” in the U.N.’s International Criminal Court. None other than Bolivia’s bedbug called for an International climate justice tribunal to punish environmental miscreants:

Morales asks to save Kyoto Protocol, create global climate court
Dec 9, 2010, 18:18 GMT


The United Nations arresting Americans in their own country is not possible without INTERPOL. Without INTERPOL a global climate court is as meaningless as is the rest of the U.N.’s judicial system —— The World Court, and its spinoffs, the International Criminal Court, special tribunals, and whatever else they can get away with.

To make it all work INTERPOL needed the authority to investigate American industries in order to charge them with an International environmental crime even if a targeted company did not violate American laws. When Obama amended President Reagan’s EO he handed INTERPOL the necessary authority.

Last Thursday, December 17, 2009, The White House released an Executive Order "Amending Executive Order 12425." It grants INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organization) a new level of full diplomatic immunity afforded to foreign embassies and select other "International Organizations" as set forth in the United States International Organizations Immunities Act of 1945.

By removing language from President Reagan's 1983 Executive Order 12425, this international law enforcement body now operates - now operates - on American soil beyond the reach of our own top law enforcement arm, the FBI, and is immune from Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

Wither Sovereignty
Executive Order Amended to Immunize INTERPOL In America - Is The ICC Next?
By Steve Schippert, Clyde Middleton December 23, 2009


QUESTION: Who will the U.N.’s court actually prosecute after INTERPOL makes the arrest? ANSWER: Every American that global government Communists want to silence and punish:

Republican Nixon's EPA!?

To Jan Sobieski: What is your point?

The EPA has been a de facto U.N. agency since Jimmy Carter perverted President Nixon’s original intent:

The 1970s had been a decade of progress for environmental issues. President Richard Nixon had created the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1970 and Congress passed a few laws to protect air, water and the oceans including the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, the Endangered Species Act and legislation to prohibit use of many pesticides and insecticides. Jimmy Carter was eager to contribute to environmental issues and expand on the progress made. His experiences as a farmer and with agricultural science and his engineering background all influenced Carter in his environmental policies. A few months after his inauguration he spoke to Congress in an address called his Environment Message to the Congress.


Every time a Republican president does something for the America people U.N.-loving Democrats gnaw at it until they can betray the country and make it look like a good deal. Carter did it with EPA. Nixon seated Communist China in the U.N., but he never imagined how Democrats would empower China’s economy and military strength.

RR signed the first amnesty for three million illegal aliens based on promises Democrats made. Naturally, the Party of Liars went back on their word. Illegal aliens in this country is now up around 30,000,000.


DEMOCRAT Shit for Brains will raise the number to 50 million before he goes full catatonic.