EPA staff finds emissions threat


Villified User
EPA staff finds emissions threat

The White House is reviewing the 'endangerment' conclusion, which would require regulations. The agency, contradicting its chief, has also concluded that a California tailpipe law was justified.
By Janet Wilson and Richard Simon, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers
January 24, 2008
WASHINGTON -- -- The Environmental Protection Agency's staff concluded last month that greenhouse gases pose a threat to the nation's welfare, which would require federal regulations to rein in emissions from vehicles, factories, power plants and other industrial polluters under the Clean Air Act, sources in the agency told The Times.

The conclusion, known as an "endangerment" finding, has been sent to the White House for review, and comes as the agency is under a Supreme Court order to examine risks from greenhouse gases. The agency also faces a lawsuit from at least 16 state governments over their attempts to regulate vehicle gas emissions.

EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson, who had promised to propose regulations of vehicle emissions by the end of last year, has been summoned to testify before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee today to answer questions about why he refused to allow California to enact its own law, despite clear signals from his staff that the state's request was justified.

from the above article.
"Records show that auto executives met with Vice President Dick Cheney and dropped off documents at the White House arguing against the waiver request."
Cool. Soon all the poor people in California will not be able to afford new cars that meet these new standards. The Cali economy will suffer when the working class are forced to move away to states that allow then to drive used vehicles to and from their places of employment.
They will have to get expensive hybrids or electrics or somesuch before long anyway.
repairng our decades long habit of being energy gluttons is going to be painful.