Epic drunken posting question moment time

yurt what are the mysteries of the universe?

what is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

would you rather fight ten puma sizes ducks or ten duck sized pumas?

If you had to describe humanity in one sentence to an alien life form what would you say.

If the universe was one conscious entity and could only sing one song, what song would the universe choose?
Why do you exagerate your drunk? I am almost certainly mire drink than you, and I'm posting on a cramped Hero keypad.

OK, I seriously didn't mean to mispell there. But anyway, this reminds me of that time Brent drunkposted and made all of those ridiculous errors. I am actually quote articulate when drunk, just a bit more crazy.
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OK, I seriously didn't mean to mispell there. But anyway, this reminds me of that time Brent drunkposted and made all of those ridiculous errors. I am actually quote articulate when drunk, just a bit more crazy.
You're a sad drunk. I'm a loud, frequently urinating drunk.
You're a sad drunk. I'm a loud, frequently urinating drunk.

Guy walks into a bar, sits down, and orders a beer.
The bartender serves him and goes aboiut his business.
As the afternoon goes on, the guy keeps ordering beers and the bartender keeps serving him.
After a few hours, the bartender starts to notice that the guy hasn't used the men's room. This seems curious and so he starts paying more attention to the guy.
The guy continues to order beers and never gets up to go to the bathroom.
The bartender mentions this to some of the other patrons.
Pretty soon everyone is paying attention and bets are being made as to when this guy is going to go take a pee.
This goes on all evening and now a crowd has gathered.
Closing time is coming up and everyone is still waiting.
Suddenly the guy gets up and everyone watches him go out the front door.
Well, they all follow to see what he's going to do.
He staggers over to a lamp post, grabs hold with one hand, and starts to unzip his pants.
Just then a cop walks up and tells the guy: "Hey buddy, you can't take a piss here."
To which the guy responds: "I'm not gonna take a pish here; I'm gonna take a pish waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over there."
