Epic Workplace Mishap

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect
Last Friday, I had a morning workout at my ANG unit. The WADS building is pretty old, and we are on our second floor's worth of aspestos remodeling. Three weeks ago, the new locker rooms opened up, and we discovered all sorts of flaws. The self-locking wall lockers has faulty combo locks, which periodically lock people out of their belongings. Some genious installed a hand dryer right above a power plug. Turns out there are all sorts of issues.

Enter me, needing to take a shower. I entered a stall, and 1.5 minutes into my shower, I discover the door is haning ajar, so I pull it shut, and twist the lock hard until it clicks. I finish my shower, and discover the lock is broken, and that I'm locked inside my shower!! I had to crawl under into the stall next to mine to get out. To date, the stall door is still locked tightly shut. I even shot an e-mail to the head of security titled "ROFL Shower."

On a more somber note, one of the Canadian officers is in the hospital after having attempted suicide last night. Pretty sad deal. I hope he manages to come out of this somehow.
