“Judge orders Gov. Scott Walker to hold special elections for open legislative seats in Eric Holder suit”
The National Democratic Redistricting Committee, https://democraticredistricting.com/ , was founded by Eric Holder and Barack Obama. Here's more info from an NDRC e-mail.
The National Redistricting Foundation, an affiliate of NDRC, just stood up to Scott Walker in court -- and won. Today, a Walker-appointed judge ordered Wisconsin’s Republican governor to hold special elections in two districts where he had been refusing to do so.
Here’s what happened: After the previous officeholders left to take jobs in his administration, Walker announced that he wouldn’t call elections, meaning the seats wouldn't be filled until 2019 -- leaving citizens without representation for over a year. But because we fought back, voters will have the chance to make their voices heard as early as this spring or summer.
The National Democratic Redistricting Committee, https://democraticredistricting.com/ , was founded by Eric Holder and Barack Obama. Here's more info from an NDRC e-mail.
The National Redistricting Foundation, an affiliate of NDRC, just stood up to Scott Walker in court -- and won. Today, a Walker-appointed judge ordered Wisconsin’s Republican governor to hold special elections in two districts where he had been refusing to do so.
Here’s what happened: After the previous officeholders left to take jobs in his administration, Walker announced that he wouldn’t call elections, meaning the seats wouldn't be filled until 2019 -- leaving citizens without representation for over a year. But because we fought back, voters will have the chance to make their voices heard as early as this spring or summer.