Eric Holder and the NDRC have some good news!!


In Yo Face!
Judge orders Gov. Scott Walker to hold special elections for open legislative seats in Eric Holder suit:cool:

The National Democratic Redistricting Committee, , was founded by Eric Holder and Barack Obama. Here's more info from an NDRC e-mail.

The National Redistricting Foundation, an affiliate of NDRC, just stood up to Scott Walker in court -- and won. Today, a Walker-appointed judge ordered Wisconsin’s Republican governor to hold special elections in two districts where he had been refusing to do so.

Here’s what happened: After the previous officeholders left to take jobs in his administration, Walker announced that he wouldn’t call elections, meaning the seats wouldn't be filled until 2019 -- leaving citizens without representation for over a year. But because we fought back, voters will have the chance to make their voices heard as early as this spring or summer.
Repubs cheat. You have to take them to court to get justice. They will cheat kicking and screaming all the way. That is why Trump is stacking the courts. He knows his plans will include illegal acts. He wants the courts to sanction them.