Erotic Sculptures of Dominique Regnier

Stunning. Incredible. I read some of the criticisms of his work and I bet the artist Gallic sensibilities are completely baffled by American feminist attitudes. They see his work as objectifying women as sexual objects where I'm sure his art is a celebration of the female form and sexuality. Brilliant craftsman work the draws a visceral response. Hell of an artist. I don't think the photos give the proper scale to his work and his cleverly uses the form and substance of his material in creating his art. That aspect I find particularly impressive. He see's a small lump of rock and can reflect the womans beauty with out really significantly changing the form of his material but using the basic form it has because he see's that form of the beautiful woman inherent in his material. His statue of the woman with the gorgeous ass is a great example. The type of wood he chose and it's grain were no accident for this work of art. Magnificent!
Stunning. Incredible. I read some of the criticisms of his work and I bet the artist Gallic sensibilities are completely baffled by American feminist attitudes. They see his work as objectifying women as sexual objects where I'm sure his art is a celebration of the female form and sexuality. Brilliant craftsman work the draws a visceral response. Hell of an artist. I don't think the photos give the proper scale to his work and his cleverly uses the form and substance of his material in creating his art. That aspect I find particularly impressive. He see's a small lump of rock and can reflect the womans beauty with out really significantly changing the form of his material but using the basic form it has because he see's that form of the beautiful woman inherent in his material. His statue of the woman with the gorgeous ass is a great example. The type of wood he chose and it's grain were no accident for this work of art. Magnificent!

Some American feminists remind me of the Victorians who even covered up the legs of pianos as it was considered racy to have such debauchery. He is an autodidact which is even more impressive, I think that sculptors are just among the best of artists. It takes a remarkable vision, not to mention patience, to be able to turn a piece of wood or stone into a beautiful work of art.
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Ironic that Lord Spunktrumpet loathes intelligent, empowered American women and denigrates them by referencing a past Queen Empress of that lump of shit off the coast of Europe.

Perhaps he's feeling rejected.
I think that 80% of his sculptures simply show a female body, the face is just not important in this dude's sculptures.

I believe I saw two with faces in that entire picture study.

Here's two more.


This is the most unforgettable sculpture I've ever seen in "real life".


Gian Lorenzo Bernini created an unpreviousd masterpiece for Cardinal Scipione Borghese depicting the chaste nymph Daphne being turned into a laurel tree, pursued in vain by Apollo god of light. This life-size marble sculpture, begun by Bernini at the age of twenty-four and executed between 1622 and 1625, has always been housed in the same villa, but originally stood on a lower and narrower base set against the wall near the stairs. Consequently anyone entering the room first saw Apollo from behind, then the fleeing nymph appeared in the process of metamorphosis: brak covers most of her body, but according to Ovid's lines, Apollo's hand can still feel her heart beating beneath it.Thus the scene ends by Daphne being transformed into a laurel tree to escape her divine aggressor.
The presence of this pagan myth in the Cardinal's villa was justified by a moral couplet composed in Latin by Cardinal Maffeo Barberini (later Pope Urban VIII) and engraved on the cartouche on the base, which says: Those who love to pursue fleeting forms of pleasure, in the end find only leaves and bitter berries in their hands.
In 1785, when Marcantonio IV Borghese decided to place the work in the centre of the room, Vincenzo Pacetti designed the present base by using the original pieces, adding plaster to the plinth and another cartouche bearing the Borghese eagle, sculpted by Lorenzo Cardelli.
Renier's works are ameturish, cartoonish porography when compared with masters of the human form like Bernini. There isn't any valid comparison.
If these sculptures weren't "erotic" then we wouldn't be discussing them. They'd be gathering dust in a warehouse owned by the "artist". Therefore they are cheap porn, nothing more.