
I loved their awards show with Justine Timberlake being the MC.

He did a great job. I enjoyed it more than the Oscars!
I gave up on ESPN years ago when ABC took them over. Now that Disney owns the whole thing it's no less than annoying to try to watch their coverage of anything. From a good, sound, straightforward sports channel they've degraded into a slick, overproduced, overhyped and undertalented (except for a few remaining announcers) show that's about anything but the sport they purport to cover. Often if I watch them at all because there's no alternative coverage of an event, I'll just turn the sound off and try not to notice their stupid whirling graphics and mugging for the camera. At least with the mute on I'm spared their inane sound effects.

Bring back the real ESPN!

Froggie, I'm sorry but I don't think that entertainers have any business hosting a sports awards show. I remember Norm MacDonald a few years ago. OK, he's pathetic most of the time anyway, but he really bombed. I say let the sports figures handle it.