Essentially Useless Oils

Do you even use them? Bulgarian Lavander oil did wonders for my inflammation. Eucalyptus is a stand by for sinus or lung irritation and or congestion. The real issue with essential oils is many are fake or mixed.

I've used them before, Eucalyptus mainly for sinus problems, but not as a stand-in to medication. There are multiple real issues, other than fake or mixed oils (since it's unregulated), there is also the marketing of them through people with no real scientific background to be making the claims that they do. They don't understand the side effects, but claim they have none, or they claim things like 'you can totally get rid of those big pharma meds if you just buy this pure doTerrra oil'. They should never be marketing these oils as a substitute to real clinincal advice from an MD, they are not qualified to do so. Add on that most of their claims are not backed by any real research, or research has been done only to show they are no better than placebo in most cases, they've effectively became the next snake-oil.