EU: all info on Syria gas attack points to Assad

well well well

its looking pretty damned confirmed more and more every day huh?

Now how do you justify doing nothing?

just give him a free pass because your tired?
With Iraq it was an open and shut case. It would have been near political suicide for any politician to go against the weight of the evidence that Saddam had WMD's and was going to use them.

the weight of the evidence against Syria is not even close to approaching that yet. But never doubt the pjower of the propagandists to lead the American people to war.
I never thought I'd see you acting hawkish. You have to question your party sometimes shrubbie. I know you trust Obama, but maybe you should think for yourself on this one. These are the same drums that led us into the last bullshit war and there's no way in hell you'd be supporting bombing another country yet again if Romney was trying to do so from the oval office. You can't blindly trust a party and expect peace. The war machine counts on people like you.
I never thought I'd see you acting hawkish. You have to question your party sometimes shrubbie. I know you trust Obama, but maybe you should think for yourself on this one. These are the same drums that led us into the last bullshit war and there's no way in hell you'd be supporting bombing another country yet again if Romney was trying to do so from the oval office. You can't blindly trust a party and expect peace. The war machine counts on people like you.


the facts are clear even if you don't know them or refuse to look at them.

quit pretending they are the same person

QUIT smearing him with the lies of Bush.

Bush lied Obama is NOT lying

quit pretending they are the same person

QUIT smearing him with the lies of Bush.

Bush lied Obama is NOT lying

Shrubbie, don't you see how you are trusting Obama in the same way the republitards were trusting Bush in 2003?

Its this blind partisan trust that gets our boys killed.

I honestly thought the might be a fine line between you and your party.
I never thought you had a hawk in you.
Correct. Obama is not Bush. But it is glaringly, painfully obvious that you support bombing Syria be Obama wants to. If this situation arose 10 years ago, and Bush wanted to do exactly the same thing for exactly the same reasons, there is no way in hell you would be beating the war drums and have this much passion to bomb the Middle East. You are being a lemming here. How can you put your party above all else like this? If we attack Syria, we are crossing the Rubicon in the Middle East. Shrubbie, many more people will die if we go to war than if we don't. And yes, bombing foreign country is war. Do you want that? Do you want war where there doesn't have to be one for us? You sound like a neocon before Iraq. This is unbelievable.
once the American people see the facts and hear the UN report what will you do?

"It appears" and "points to" are not facts kid............

What will we do? The rebels are crazy people we do not want to align with. Assad and his army are crazy people we don't want to align with...................We are NOT the world police. It's not right, but most of the citizens have already left Syria and went to refuge camps in Jordan and other places. Here is what Daraya Syria looks like today (notice not too many people are there cookin dinner);
