European Reviews Find That ‘Gender Transition’ Doesn’t Solve Mental Problems


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Once again the democrats get it wrong. We need to stop the Transgender stupidness and actually do what will help our kids live and have a good life

In findings that will shock no one living in the real world, reviews of evidence in several European countries reportedly found that transgender treatments and surgeries don’t actually solve mental health issues as predicted. Many young people are talked into “gender transitions” because they are told that this is the best or only way to prevent suicide. But the evidence simply isn’t there to back up such a claim.

A review published on April 14 for Current Sexual Health Reports acknowledged the fact that hacking off body parts and halting normal puberty development doesn’t create the utopian joy LGBTQ that activists anticipate. The review explains under “Recent Findings”:

Systematic reviews of evidence conducted by public health authorities in Finland, Sweden, and England concluded that the risk/benefit ratio of youth gender transition ranges from unknown to unfavorable. As a result, there has been a shift from “gender-affirmative care,” which prioritizes access to medical interventions, to a more conservative approach that addresses psychiatric comorbidities and psychotherapeutically explores the developmental etiology of the trans identity. Debate about the safety and efficacy of “gender-affirming care” in the USA is only recently emerging.
In the woke U.S., both the medical industry and government seem largely uninterested in investigating the potential harms of transgender medical “interventions.” In fact, detransitioners, or transgenders who return to living as their biological sex, often face a barrage of censorship, harassment, and outright hatred.

The April 14 review said (emphasis added):

There are significant knowledge gaps about the balance of benefits and harms as patients live their lives…Despite claims of the lifesaving nature of gender transition for adults, none of the many studies convincingly demonstrated enduring psychological benefits. The longest-term studies, with the strongest methodologies, reported markedly increased morbidity and mortality and a persistently high risk of post-transition suicide among transitioned adults.

The lack of credible evidence of benefits of gender transition has come into focus for today’s transgender-identified youth, whose numbers have sharply increased…in North America, the narrative that “gender-affirmative care has been scientifically proven” has been remarkably resilient.
PJ Media, originally known as Pajamas Media, is an American right-wing subscription-based website = KOOKS

Overall, PJ Media to be Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracies, as well as numerous failed fact checks.
PJ Media, originally known as Pajamas Media, is an American right-wing subscription-based website = KOOKS

Overall, PJ Media to be Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracies, as well as numerous failed fact checks.

You look stupid complaining about the source when you do not read the facts they show