APP - Europes real fear


So we awake this morning to all sorts of left wing angst and hand wringing over Merkel's comments about Europe having to fend for itself.

So why is Europe really worried? Well as with all things just follow the money

For decades now Europe has gotten a free ride on the backs of American taxpayers with regards to their national defense.

The dirty little secret is that is how Europe has been able to nominally afford their welfare state. They haven't had to build and support a military capable of adequately defending themselves. They have been happy to suckle off of the teat of America

Well Trump is putting an end to that free ride. If Europe has to expand its military to adequately defend itself it means cuts in social spending for ancitizenry that has become woefully dependent on gobblement handouts.

That is what has the left so riled. If Europe has to decrease its welfare spending then the left can't look to Europe as the model.