evangelicals are so selfish--the worst american holyrollers by far.


Junior Member
Evangelical activists struggle to energize voters
Traditional GOP base jaded over lack of action on issues like gay marriage

There is an undercurrent of concern that some evangelicals, unhappy that the GOP-led Congress and President Bush haven’t paid more attention to gay marriage and other “values” issues, may stay home on Election Day or even vote Democratic.


IM sorry holyrollers, do you watch the news?? try it sometime... WE ARE IN A WAR AND KIDS ARE DYING, we had terrorists attack us 5 years ago, we are trying to shore up our boarders and catch terrorists and keep us safe but all you sad fuckin losers can think about is a gay marriage amendment...

get a grip.... it just continues to show the sad sad pathetic unknowledgable selfish people they really are...
I agree with you! And you know what? You can reverse that statement!


IM sorry gay people, do you watch the news?? try it sometime... WE ARE IN A WAR AND KIDS ARE DYING, we had terrorists attack us 5 years ago, we are trying to shore up our boarders and catch terrorists and keep us safe but all you sad fuckin losers can think about is a gay marriage or humping each other openly at Disney World? ...

get a grip.... it just continues to show the sad sad pathetic unknowledgable selfish people they really are...

or ....

IM sorry feminists, do you watch the news?? try it sometime... WE ARE IN A WAR AND KIDS ARE DYING, we had terrorists attack us 5 years ago, we are trying to shore up our boarders and catch terrorists and keep us safe but all you sad fuckin losers can think about is aborting a fetus...

get a grip.... it just continues to show the sad sad pathetic unknowledgable selfish people they really are...


IM sorry kids, do you watch the news?? try it sometime... WE ARE IN A WAR AND KIDS ARE DYING, we had terrorists attack us 5 years ago, we are trying to shore up our boarders and catch terrorists and keep us safe but all you sad fuckin losers can think about is a Brad and Angelina...

get a grip.... it just continues to show the sad sad pathetic unknowledgable selfish people they really are...
do they do that openly at disney world?? tell me klaatu, what is it with straight peoples fascination w/ gay sex?
Rob I think is is mainly the can't understand why anyone would want to do it, religious stuff aside. It is just foreign to their thought processes and such. This breeds fear and people usually hate those things that make them afraid.
well us, with everyone i fight with including dems, something sexual always enters. like rob why dont you go take it up the *** or rob your just a fudge whatever or something stupid, i don't get it... honestly striagh tpoeple think of gay err you know more than i do.
well us, with everyone i fight with including dems, something sexual always enters. like rob why dont you go take it up the *** or rob your just a fudge whatever or something stupid, i don't get it... honestly striagh tpoeple think of gay err you know more than i do.

Rob you wear your heart on your sleeve and keep bringing up your gay lifestyle as topics of posts , what do you really expect ?
I am hetro as are most on here, but you don't hear many openly discussing their private love life on here on its own. We do tend to bring up our personal lives as they relate to subject of discussion. ie I am always broke because my wife goes thru money like katrina thru NO.
do they do that openly at disney world?? tell me klaatu, what is it with straight peoples fascination w/ gay sex?

Titillation and repression. It's like George on Seinfeld when he was petrified from getting a massage from a man, because he thought "it moved."

If people would just free themselves and not be petrified of their own thoughts, all this stupid crap would go away. If I'm getting a massage from a woman and it feels good, or even sensuous, it doesn't scare me. I just enjoy it, who cares? It's so stupid.
Rob I think is is mainly the can't understand why anyone would want to do it, religious stuff aside. It is just foreign to their thought processes and such. This breeds fear and people usually hate those things that make them afraid.

I don't think it's that at all. I honestly do not understand why anyone would want to eat meat. But meat-eaters do not frighten me, or even annoy me.

And the men I know, and I am talking about some very hetero men believe me, who are the most comfortable with their masculinity and their sexuality, couldn't care less about two men kissing.
I don't think it's that at all. I honestly do not understand why anyone would want to eat meat. But meat-eaters do not frighten me, or even annoy me.

And the men I know, and I am talking about some very hetero men believe me, who are the most comfortable with their masculinity and their sexuality, couldn't care less about two men kissing.

Gay dudes are fine by me.

When I lived in San Francisco, straight men were in high demand - I used to get asked out by women all the time ;)