Evangelicals watch 60 minutes with CNN reporter


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What a group of fake brain dead people, doesn't matter that pres Scum Bag is hating, cruel, evil, mental case . All of his sins are OK, everyone else's sins that are charging him aren't and are all controlled by the media. You want ugly put it into the hands of evangelicals
When this pile of shit is in jail , don't ever forget the insanity and how evil evangelicals are. They will never get a pass from me in the future, You pick your enemy of this country and I've picked mine.
What a group of fake brain dead people, doesn't matter that pres Scum Bag is hating, cruel, evil, mental case . All of his sins are OK, everyone else's sins that are charging him aren't and are all controlled by the media. You want ugly put it into the hands of evangelicals
When this pile of shit is in jail , don't ever forget the insanity and how evil evangelicals are. They will never get a pass from me in the future, You pick your enemy of this country and I've picked mine.

They are the enemy within
I googled "evangelicals condemn Trump". There are some ...

From a Christianity Today editorial: Speak Truth to Trump
October 10, 2016

This past week, the latest (though surely not last) revelations from Trump’s past have caused many evangelical leaders to reconsider. What Trump is, everyone has known and has been able to see for decades, let alone the last few months. The revelations of the past week of his vile and crude boasting about sexual conquest—indeed, sexual assault—might have been shocking, but they should have surprised no one.

And therefore it is completely consistent that Trump is an idolater in many other ways. He has given no evidence of humility or dependence on others, let alone on God his Maker and Judge. He wantonly celebrates strongmen and takes every opportunity to humiliate and demean the vulnerable. He shows no curiosity or capacity to learn. He is, in short, the very embodiment of what the Bible calls a fool.

Most Christians who support Trump have done so with reluctant strategic calculation, largely based on the president’s power to appoint members of the Supreme Court [bingo!]. Important issues are indeed at stake, including the right of Christians and adherents of other religions to uphold their vision of sexual integrity and marriage even if they are in the cultural minority.


It's fair to say they didn't endorse him.
Over the past 35 years Evangelicals have come to identify with white males who see themselves as needing to control government at the expense of all other US citizens... and they have glomed on to the Scofield heresy or one of its variations.
It would be good to see some of the Christian Right on these forums admit that Trump is morally questionable (and not only, or even mainly, in sexual terms).

As Christianity Today put it: "He has given no evidence of humility, takes every opportunity to humiliate and demean the vulnerable, shows no curiosity or capacity to learn." And he lies, bigly.

The Christian Rightists must be able to see that, or they're in deep shit.
Just remember who put this Evil , cruel monster into office. Don't ever forget, they own him, he is the leader of their church and their political leader this poor excuse for a human being. Fake fake Christians.
Just remember who put this Evil , cruel monster into office. Don't ever forget, they own him, he is the leader of their church and their political leader this poor excuse for a human being. Fake fake Christians.

"Many come in my name,but they aren't mine"!
I am not a big fan of labels....like "evangelical" or "Christian". Mere words than mean nothing without the action to back them up.

There are people on this forum, on cable TV, and throughout the country who claim the label "Christian", but nonetheless have devoted considerable effort to defending an alleged child molester running for U.S. Senate in Alabama, and running cover for a subhuman, pussy grabbing, popular vote losing degenerate in the oval office.

They have also been observed standing by in silence while black posters are called n*ggers, and female posters are called cunts on this forum by rightwingers.

They have not made a peep when their fellow rightwingers have fantasized about nuking Mecca, or have relentlessly started threads that always put black people, Hispanics, women, and Muslims in the worst light possible.

I have to say that the rightwing version of Christianity, as practiced on message boards, is completely outside the bounds of genuine Christianity I have seen practiced by the authentically faithful. To wrap up, fake Christian righwing worship of Trump will probably be the subject of theological debate and reflection for decades to come!
Evilangelicals is more like it.
It never was a religious movement.
Evilangelicalism is a political movement bent on controlling the masses with religion.
They are literally the American Taliban.
I am not a big fan of labels....like "evangelical" or "Christian". Mere words than mean nothing without the action to back them up.

There are people on this forum, on cable TV, and throughout the country who claim the label "Christian", but nonetheless have devoted considerable effort to defending an alleged child molester running for U.S. Senate in Alabama, and running cover for a subhuman, pussy grabbing, popular vote losing degenerate in the oval office.

They have also been observed standing by in silence while black posters are called n*ggers, and female posters are called cunts on this forum by rightwingers.

They have not made a peep when their fellow rightwingers have fantasized about nuking Mecca, or have relentlessly started threads that always put black people, Hispanics, women, and Muslims in the worst light possible.

I have to say that the rightwing version of Christianity, as practiced on message boards, is completely outside the bounds of genuine Christianity I have seen practiced by the authentically faithful. To wrap up, fake Christian righwing worship of Trump will probably be the subject of theological debate and reflection for decades to come!

If hypocrisy is your guide stone, then you should not be a Christian. The churches and leaders are all about money and power. Show me a priest with 2 suits and I will show you a hypocrite. Look at the mansions of church leaders, all built by taking money from the people.
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If hypocrisy is your guides tone, then you should not be a Christian. The churches and leaders are all about money and power. Show me a priest with 2 suits and I will show you a hypocrite. Look at the mansions of church leaders, all built by taking money from the people.
Can't go that far, there're many good people working for the lord.
If hypocrisy is your guide stone, then you should not be a Christian. The churches and leaders are all about money and power. Show me a priest with 2 suits and I will show you a hypocrite. Look at the mansions of church leaders, all built by taking money from the people.

Well, lots of corruption, fraud, and outright crime in the evangelical, so called Christian community, but I have no evidence to say it is statistically higher than the crimes on Wall Street, in Congress, or in the bastions of our corporate overlords.

I have spent a lifetime around some very decent and principled Quakers and Russian Orthodox Christians. They generally do not wear their religion on the sleeves as much as a lot of fake, rightwing Christians make a habit of doing. Just my opinion, but I have always thought that the more a person talks about being a Christian, the more they wear it on their sleeve, the higher the probability they are a fake, unprincipled, hypocritical Christian.
faithful believers in Christ: not perfect, but forgiven; scribes, Pharisees and lawyers: "they do not wash their hands correctly"/ " I am thankful I am not like this publican"/choking on gnats and swallowing camels. you self righteous pricks were always the subjects of ridicule, rebuke, contempt and condemnation by The Lord Jesus Christ; that which was is... once again. you never have learned and never will.
There has been an evangelical split for awhile over immigration. I am not sure the Forbes to the Fanny Pack really matters to them that much.
There has been an evangelical split for awhile over immigration. I am not sure the Forbes to the Fanny Pack really matters to them that much.
There really is only one issue and that is that they elected a hateful cruel evil mental case and put him right next to the little red button that once pushed ends mankind, These fake Christians elected a pagan, who is by far this countries biggest threat and enemy.
There really is only one issue and that is that they elected a hateful cruel evil mental case and put him right next to the little red button that once pushed ends mankind, These fake Christians elected a pagan, who is by far this countries biggest threat and enemy.

No there is a divide in the evangelical community over immigration. The Orange One is just a symptom.