APP - Even if Russia hacked the DNC? So what?


Former Vice President
And I stress that it is a BIG if, but let's play along with our liberal friends and say that the Russians sent along an amateurish phishing link that Podesta clicked on thus exposing all of his emails to the Russians that they then turned over to Julian Assange, who then released them to the American public. And let's further assert that the release of said emails impacted the US election (I will have more on this later and the liberals won't like it). But so what?

1) The DNC is not a US Government agency. It is an individual private US entity. They should have no government secrets to steal. It would be no different than say, I don't know, North Korea hacking Sony for instance? Same thing. Or someone hacking McDonald's for the secret to their "special sauce"? Or the Bush baked bean recipe? Same thing

2) Nothing in those emails were not true. The Clinton campaign never disavowed any of the emails that were leaked. Not a single one. Oh, Donna Brazile tried to dance around it when she was caught cheating, but from where I sit, every email was true. So all that appears to have happened is the American public got an inside view into the campaign.

3) What really damaging information came out of the Wikileaks emails? For all the bluster from Assange, they were a pretty big dud if you ask me. I know I was hoping there would be more than there was. But, there really wasn't

4) As I have stated previously. Doesn't the United States try to interfere in elections? Didn't David Axlerod try to get a muslime elected in Nigeria? Didn't Obama interfere in Israeli elections to try to get Bibi thrown out? Doesn't the US try to hack foreign countries?

Let's be honest the only thing that our liberal friends care about is that Hillary lost. Plain and simple. They are only trying to delegitimize Trump's Presidency thinking they will keep him from pushing his agenda. But they never learn. Nothing they threw at him during the election worked and this won't work either. Cuz Honey Badger Don't Care
Here is another head scratcher

On one hand our friends on the left claimed that the emails Wikileaks released were fake and not real

On the other hand they claim they were hacked

If both are true then we have to believe that Podesta had fake emails.
Seriously, you think we should start ignoring espionage by foreign nations?

I think you simply have taken a position because your messiah seems to want it so... You are willing to allow Russia to spy on us without consequence as long is it serves your desires?
Seriously, you think we should start ignoring espionage by foreign nations?

I think you simply have taken a position because your messiah seems to want it so... You are willing to allow Russia to spy on us without consequence as long is it serves your desires?

As I said, we engage in the same activities do you deny that? Do you think our motives are somehow more pure than the Russians?

Also, they didn't hack into any government agency. They didn't steal any government secrets unless you are telling me that the DNC was dealing in classified information. Are you saying that?

Here is the position I have taken, and facts not emotion have guided my position

1) It has not been proven to me that Russia hacked the DNC. Podesta's information was obtained through a phishing campaign. Could it have emanated from Russia? Maybe, but that doesn't mean the Russian government was behind it.
2) I have seen ZERO proof that Russia gave the information to Wikileaks. Julian Assange denies it and even if you think he is an untrustworthy character that doesn't equate to proof that Russia handed them the information. If it were, it would be a departure from how Wikileaks obtains information. It is always from an insider and with regard to the DNC, I think it is more likely an insider than the Russians
3) Even if the above is true, the notion that it had any impact whatsoever on the election is ludicrous on its face. There were no revealing bombshells from those leaks that shocked anyone. To be honest the leaks barring a few little nuggets were a big nothing burger. As I have stated before, they would have had far more impact on the democrat party primary than the general as they would have fired up the Bernie crowd.

With regards to "ignoring espionage" I find it quite laughable that the left is suddenly awoken to espionage by foreign countries. It is nothing new. Do you think this is an act of war? What exactly do you think we should do about it? What do you think about Obama's response? Too weak? Too heavy handed?

The reason I am doubtful about the motives of our friends on the left is that I don't hear any substantive discussions from them regarding cyber security, ALL of the discussions are around discrediting Trump and delegitimizing Trump. That is why you are not being taken seriously. Your political motives as as transparent as a Cher outfit.
Whereas I'm loathe to give credence to any of the nonsense in threads like these....the issue is simple.

trump, aided by his Russian allies, managed to keep the election news cycles about Jerry Springer type nonsense, instead of the issues. I'm sure his internal emails document a plan to keep the press scrambling to address the latest nonsense, while churning out more nonsense aimed at confusing the electorate. That keeps his base stimulated, while turning off anyone with an IQ over 70. As such, many just refused to vote, seeing the entire process as a joke.
As I said, we engage in the same activities do you deny that? Do you think our motives are somehow more pure than the Russians?

Also, they didn't hack into any government agency. They didn't steal any government secrets unless you are telling me that the DNC was dealing in classified information. Are you saying that?

Here is the position I have taken, and facts not emotion have guided my position

1) It has not been proven to me that Russia hacked the DNC. Podesta's information was obtained through a phishing campaign. Could it have emanated from Russia? Maybe, but that doesn't mean the Russian government was behind it.
2) I have seen ZERO proof that Russia gave the information to Wikileaks. Julian Assange denies it and even if you think he is an untrustworthy character that doesn't equate to proof that Russia handed them the information. If it were, it would be a departure from how Wikileaks obtains information. It is always from an insider and with regard to the DNC, I think it is more likely an insider than the Russians
3) Even if the above is true, the notion that it had any impact whatsoever on the election is ludicrous on its face. There were no revealing bombshells from those leaks that shocked anyone. To be honest the leaks barring a few little nuggets were a big nothing burger. As I have stated before, they would have had far more impact on the democrat party primary than the general as they would have fired up the Bernie crowd.

With regards to "ignoring espionage" I find it quite laughable that the left is suddenly awoken to espionage by foreign countries. It is nothing new. Do you think this is an act of war? What exactly do you think we should do about it? What do you think about Obama's response? Too weak? Too heavy handed?

The reason I am doubtful about the motives of our friends on the left is that I don't hear any substantive discussions from them regarding cyber security, ALL of the discussions are around discrediting Trump and delegitimizing Trump. That is why you are not being taken seriously. Your political motives as as transparent as a Cher outfit.

1) No, we do it too, but that does not mean we should abandon our long standing history of standing up to espionage. Are you saying that if we do it to them, we should allow them to do it to us?

2) So espionage is okay as long as its done to private enterprise? That's new....

3) The Director of National Intelligence has said it is proven. Have you noticed Trump stopped denying it once he was briefed?

4) The Director of National Intelligence has said it is proven. Have you noticed Trump stopped denying it once he was briefed?

5) Its not relevant if it had an impact or now. Nobody in government is claiming it had an impact.

6) I think we should respond the way we always have, expel diplomats, increase our defenses, impose sanctions. Jam their computer systems. This has to be a response.

7) The reason you are doubtful is because your messiah has let it get under his thin skin and is upset because it makes him appear weak.
1) No, we do it too, but that does not mean we should abandon our long standing history of standing up to espionage. Are you saying that if we do it to them, we should allow them to do it to us?

Sounds like your problem is with the Obama administration, so it would appear the lefts anger and frustration is misplaced

2) So espionage is okay as long as its done to private enterprise? That's new....

I know you use the word espionage to make it sound scary. But, they spied on a private entity. And really couldn't Podesta have protected himself?

3) The Director of National Intelligence has said it is proven. Have you noticed Trump stopped denying it once he was briefed?

I haven't seen the proof

4) The Director of National Intelligence has said it is proven. Have you noticed Trump stopped denying it once he was briefed?

5) Its not relevant if it had an impact or now. Nobody in government is claiming it had an impact.

The left claims it impacted the election. Are they wrong? Everyone seems to be claiming that Putin did this to install Trump. Do you not believe that?

6) I think we should respond the way we always have, expel diplomats, increase our defenses, impose sanctions. Jam their computer systems. This has to be a response.

Why hasn't Obama done that? Seems you should be mad at him for a feckless response

7) The reason you are doubtful is because your messiah has let it get under his thin skin and is upset because it makes him appear weak.

My Messiah is my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and far as I can tell, he has not taken a position on this.

I still don't believe your outrage is sincere