Even Rasmussen now spits on the President's popularity in his job approval ratings


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Why would anybody be surprised after his first who years of demonstrated banality and incompetency as President.

Aside from the SCOTUS appointments, litmus test for DJT with the evangelical right wing and the alt right Trumpers, which were primarily Mitch McConnell's accomplishment, DJT is a failure and America knows it.

President Trump Job Approval

CBS News
Approve36 Disapprove59
Disapprove +23

President Trump Job Approval
Approve45 Disapprove55
Disapprove +10

President Trump Job Approval
Approve42 Disapprove55
Disapprove +13

President Trump Job Approval
Rasmussen Reports
Approve44 Disapprove56
Disapprove +12

and the republicans don't care

they don't work for the American people

they work for Russia

they took Massive NRA Russian trafficked money
the people don't want the wall

the people don't want to pay for it

the people hate trump

the republican party does care what the people want

they care what Putin wants
The question is how anyone capable of answering a question...could be stupid enough to respond, "I approve of the job he is doing."
Trump's approval rating is down to 37 percent. That is his core, the people who strut around proudly wearing their hater hats.