APP - Even the left wing media is having a hard time defending her now


Former Vice President
Things are getting bad for Crooked ILLary. No wonder it has been 274 days since her last press conference. She is trying to run out the clock and hope she does well in the debates.

How proud the left wingers must be of her being afraid to go out in public

13 blackberries were used by her even though she said this

Nothing in what she said here was TRUE
The debates will finish her off. There's no place to hide during them.

How will the debates finish her off? She is far better at articulating her position compared to Trump, and every issues he raises about her character, she can come back with one of his. They would both be advised to stay away from character issues and focus on policy.
How will the debates finish her off? She is far better at articulating her position compared to Trump, and every issues he raises about her character, she can come back with one of his. They would both be advised to stay away from character issues and focus on policy.

Hillary has been in public service for the last thirty years. Trump has never held public office in any capacity. Trump can bury Hillary on her record in the state department alone without even getting into her shakedown foundation or her e mails.

Hillary has no place to hide once she walks on to that debate stage. She can no longer hide out and let the media keep the spotlight on Trump. The debates will be her Waterloo.
Hillary has been in public service for the last thirty years. Trump has never held public office in any capacity. Trump can bury Hillary on her record in the state department alone without even getting into her shakedown foundation or her e mails.

Hillary has no place to hide once she walks on to that debate stage. She can no longer hide out and let the media keep the spotlight on Trump. The debates will be her Waterloo.
Hillary will bury Trump on his business practices, his encouraging the Russians to be involved in our politics, for his positions on Mexicans, for his position on Muslims. She can reintegrate his joy at scooping up cheap real estate at others detriment.

I would ask Trump if he would build a hotel in Detroit! What a better way to revive the heart of the city, but to encourage development!

I think the one who sticks to policy and what they will do will win the debate.
Hillary will bury Trump on his business practices, his encouraging the Russians to be involved in our politics, for his positions on Mexicans, for his position on Muslims. She can reintegrate his joy at scooping up cheap real estate at others detriment.

I would ask Trump if he would build a hotel in Detroit! What a better way to revive the heart of the city, but to encourage development!

I think the one who sticks to policy and what they will do will win the debate.

Perhaps you forgot they did build some flashy buildings in the renaisance some years back. You see how far that got them.