Even though Congress can give tRump the boot without impeachment but I'm with Nancy


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Congress obviously has the power to give this fake president, felonious and treasonous tyrant tRump the boot without impeaching the SOB. Yet personally I'm with Nancy Pelosi at rather seeing the Putin puppet, criminal against humanity and Democracy killer wannabe tRump put in prison where he deserves to be, and for life. tRump has had his day at being a felonious and rampaging global menace, and now its time for Justice to have its day. Also, impeachment is of a political nature but tRump needs the nature of being indicted, tried and punished for his crimes against the State, humanity and the common decency of civilization as a globally destructive threat.

Congress Can Remove Donald Trump From Office Without Impeaching Him

Presidential psychology is quickly becoming a bipartisan issue. Recently, Senator Al Franken said that he and several of his GOP colleagues shared the opinion that President Donald Trump is “not right mentally.” Shortly thereafter, 35 mental health professionals — psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers — took to the pages of the New York Times to register their own concerns that the President was demonstrating “grave emotional instability.”
These controversial armchair diagnoses are powerless on their own. But what if there was something that Senator Franken and his concerned colleagues could actually do? Constitutionally speaking, there might be.
Much has been written in recent weeks about a provision in Section 4 of the 25th Amendment that allows the Vice President and a majority of the Cabinet to send a letter to Congress stating that the President is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.” This letter would immediately initiate a transfer of power to the Vice President, subject to additional Congressional review."

Congress obviously has the power to give this fake president, felonious and treasonous tyrant tRump the boot without impeaching the SOB. Yet personally I'm with Nancy Pelosi at rather seeing the Putin puppet, criminal against humanity and Democracy killer wannabe tRump put in prison where he deserves to be, and for life. tRump has had his day at being a felonious and rampaging global menace, and now its time for Justice to have its day. Also, impeachment is of a political nature but tRump needs the nature of being indicted, tried and punished for his crimes against the State, humanity and the common decency of civilization as a globally destructive threat.

Congress Can Remove Donald Trump From Office Without Impeaching Him

Presidential psychology is quickly becoming a bipartisan issue. Recently, Senator Al Franken said that he and several of his GOP colleagues shared the opinion that President Donald Trump is “not right mentally.” Shortly thereafter, 35 mental health professionals — psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers — took to the pages of the New York Times to register their own concerns that the President was demonstrating “grave emotional instability.”
These controversial armchair diagnoses are powerless on their own. But what if there was something that Senator Franken and his concerned colleagues could actually do? Constitutionally speaking, there might be.
Much has been written in recent weeks about a provision in Section 4 of the 25th Amendment that allows the Vice President and a majority of the Cabinet to send a letter to Congress stating that the President is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.” This letter would immediately initiate a transfer of power to the Vice President, subject to additional Congressional review."


Yeah....its called a "FREE ELECTION". Just why does anyone assume that Rod Rosenstein got the hell out dodge after rolling over for AG BARR acting like a trained dog on a leach? Regardless of the method attempted the POTUS of the United States is still protected via the US CONSTITUTION. FYI: The 25th amendment does not rescind the 4th, 5th, 6th or 14th amendment. Congress would still have the requirement to present "PROBABLE CAUSE" and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt there were CRIMES COMMITTED.

This is funny as hell.....the total IGNORANCE coming from supposed constitutional lawyers and (wink, wink) LEGAL EXPERTS on the left. :palm: When you demand to have a political opponent JAILED void of having any evidence of PROBABLE CAUSE other than HATE......you are not living in the United States of America, you are enabling the beginning of FASCISM. :bigthink:

The real question is....who will be the first LEFT WING FASCIST to step up to the plate and INVOKE THE 25th Amendment void of having any prosecutorial predicate in the least as Mueller outlined? There is no LEGAL method to remove a duly elected POTUS (exonerated via the US RULE OF LAW after investigation) other than kicking his ass at the ballot box.....Mueller simply suggested Congress attempt a political method (Impeachment) because he failed to legally dethrone the KING. Mr. Trump was not stupid enough to fall for the Wiseman "perjury trap". Do you know what happens when you piss off the most powerful man in the world that holds the authority of the executive branch and the DOJ as a tool? We are about to find out. AG BARR has been let off his chain. Catch him and put him down if you can.:laugh:
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Congress obviously has the power to give this fake president, felonious and treasonous tyrant tRump the boot without impeaching the SOB. Yet personally I'm with Nancy Pelosi at rather seeing the Putin puppet, criminal against humanity and Democracy killer wannabe tRump put in prison where he deserves to be, and for life. tRump has had his day at being a felonious and rampaging global menace, and now its time for Justice to have its day. Also, impeachment is of a political nature but tRump needs the nature of being indicted, tried and punished for his crimes against the State, humanity and the common decency of civilization as a globally destructive threat.

Congress Can Remove Donald Trump From Office Without Impeaching Him

Presidential psychology is quickly becoming a bipartisan issue. Recently, Senator Al Franken said that he and several of his GOP colleagues shared the opinion that President Donald Trump is “not right mentally.” Shortly thereafter, 35 mental health professionals — psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers — took to the pages of the New York Times to register their own concerns that the President was demonstrating “grave emotional instability.”
These controversial armchair diagnoses are powerless on their own. But what if there was something that Senator Franken and his concerned colleagues could actually do? Constitutionally speaking, there might be.
Much has been written in recent weeks about a provision in Section 4 of the 25th Amendment that allows the Vice President and a majority of the Cabinet to send a letter to Congress stating that the President is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.” This letter would immediately initiate a transfer of power to the Vice President, subject to additional Congressional review."


You seem to be fairly new to JPP; but I'm just curious, do you intend to cry harder?? :D
As the investigations tighten, Trump will get more and more desperate. He is striking out now hoping to scare the Dems away. It will not work. He will pay for his crimes.
As the investigations tighten, Trump will get more and more desperate. He is striking out now hoping to scare the Dems away. It will not work. He will pay for his crimes.

As of RIGHT NOW ;) The only one that has convened a GRAND JURY investigation (as the Mueller grand jury ends in July) is AG BARR and special investigator Durham. What investigations do you speak of? Congress has no power to investigate criminal activity, they only have the political posturing power of a supposed impeachment hearing, they don't have the authority to convene a grand jury for prosecutorial considerations.
Just when did this impeachment hearing begin? :dunno: Mr. Trump has already been exonerated by the DOJ as AG BARR (who holds the authority) declared there was no Collusion/ no Obstruction. FYI: Mueller worked for AG BARR....not the inversion. Mueller cannot pass the authority of the executive branch over to congress...all he can do is recommend IMPEACHMENT with a wink and a nod. Go for it.....in the meantime criminal referrals are being made on a daily basis to the grand jury convened by Mr. Durham in the state of CONN. :bigthink:
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As of RIGHT NOW ;) The only one that has convened a GRAND JURY investigation (as the Mueller grand jury ends in July) is AG BARR and special investigator Durham. What investigations do you speak of? Congress has no power to investigate criminal activity, they only have the political posturing power of a supposed impeachment hearing, they don't have the authority to convene a grand jury for prosecutorial considerations.
Just when did this impeachment hearing begin? :dunno: Mr. Trump has already been exonerated by the DOJ as AG BARR (who holds the authority) declared there was no Collusion/ no Obstruction. FYI: Mueller worked for AG BARR....not the inversion. Mueller cannot pass the authority of the executive branch over to congress...all he can do is recommend IMPEACHMENT with a wink and a nod. Go for it.....in the meantime criminal referrals are being made on a daily basis to the grand jury convened by Mr. Durham in the state of CONN. :bigthink:

Barr is playing the Trumpian game. The House investigations and SDNY are not. Trump is willing to destroy the justice department to keep out of jail. His people ignore subpoenas and court orders. I doubt rightys realize how big and dangerous that is. Or they just do not care. That is even worse. House investigations have received Deutsche Bank records and his taxes. The SDNY has Trump's taxes. That is real activity.
Barr is playing the Trumpian game. The House investigations and SDNY are not. Trump is willing to destroy the justice department to keep out of jail. His people ignore subpoenas and court orders. I doubt rightys realize how big and dangerous that is. Or they just do not care. That is even worse. House investigations have received Deutsche Bank records and his taxes. The SDNY has Trump's taxes. That is real activity.
The right just doesn't care. Trump can do just about anything he wants to do and the right will continue to support him.

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The right just doesn't care. Trump can do just about anything he wants to do and the right will continue to support him.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Anything. He could fuck your wife and shoot you in the head on 5th Avenue and I would only support him more

Anything. He could fuck your wife and shoot you in the head on 5th Avenue and I would only support him more

He could fuck your wife and shoot you in the head on 5th Avenue and you would express your support on your deathbed.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Barr is playing the Trumpian game. The House investigations and SDNY are not. Trump is willing to destroy the justice department to keep out of jail. His people ignore subpoenas and court orders. I doubt rightys realize how big and dangerous that is. Or they just do not care. That is even worse. House investigations have received Deutsche Bank records and his taxes. The SDNY has Trump's taxes. That is real activity.

Deflect much away from the attempted and documented "LIES" that you are propagandizing? :bigthink:

Jail? Can you document one crime that Mr. Trump has been investigated in which there was ever a PROPABLE CAUSE predicated that would lead to a possible indictment or charge of a crime.....might less the evidence that would stand up in any court beyond the reason of a doubt? If so......present the CRIME under investigation that is predicated via PROPABABLE CAUSE (the predicate ….. supposed …. that started this dog and pony show, the STEELE DOSSIER, has been debunked to hell and back as never being verified by any US Law enforcement agency) to include any state investigations where the statute of limitations ended YEARS AGO. Go for it.....present the indictment. Just who has indicted Donald John Trump? No one....yet you are saying he fears JAIL? LMAO

And if you cannot.....just how do you suppose that CONGRESS is going to indict anyone when it does not have the authority to criminally investigate anyone? :dunno: As was pointed out.....MUELLER does not hold the authority to transfer any of his prosecutorial powers to congress, AG BARR is his boss and his boss has already closed the investigation via declaring, NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION...with the grand jury set to end within 30 days. Congress holds no power to convene a grand jury and they sure as hell do not possess the investigatory abilities or methods of the DOJ which works solely at the discretion of the Executive Branch of Government in order to maintain a checks and balance system of government. You can see just how much cooperation that the DOJ is going to give congress.....when AG BARR was held in contempt of congress as he flipped them off.

Again....Mueller failed in his predetermined mission to entrap the POTUS in some procedural crime such as perjury because the POTUS never testified under oath. Thus, Mueller did all that he could.....he passed the ball to congress with their only option being a political option as the criminal investigation ended when the AG declared it ended......IMPEACHMENT is the only legal method to remove this POTUS, catch him if you can. ;) Historically speaking you have a .000 batting average as no POTUS (even the guilty ones proven to have committed crimes like wire tapping and lying under oath) has ever been removed from office via impeachment.

SPIN YOUR ASS OFF like a top......Donald John Trump will not only serve out this term in office....he will be a LAME DUCK president after 2020 with nothing but revenge on his mind.
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Deflect much away from the attempted and documented "LIES" that you are propagandizing? :bigthink:

Jail? Can you document one crime that Mr. Trump has been invested in which there was ever a PROPABLE CAUSE predicated that would lead to a possible indictment or charge of a crime.....might less the evidence that would stand up in any court beyond the reason of a doubt? If so......present the CRIME under investigation that is predicated via PROPABABLE CAUSE to include any state investigations where the statue of limitations ended YEARS AGO. Go for it.....present the indictment.

Ten cases of obstruction in the Mueller report. I bet you think the SDNY does not know the law as well as you think you do. There must be reasons that the reds are ignoring subpoenas and Barr refusing court orders. Is that what a guilty person would do or an innocent man?
Ten cases of obstruction in the Mueller report. I bet you think the SDNY does not know the law as well as you think you do. There must be reasons that the reds are ignoring subpoenas and Barr refusing court orders. Is that what a guilty person would do or an innocent man?

Cases? Just present the PROBABLE CAUSE that MUELLER could not. How many indictments did Mueller present? You know those pesky little things that are required because of the 4th, 5th, 6th and 14th amendments? And as was asked and you simply attempted to deflect again.....HOW IS CONGRESS going to indict these cases since they don't have the constitutional authority that Mueller had to criminally investigate anyone? Do you really think that the DOJ with AG BARR already investigating many democrat members of congress for corruption will cooperate with CONGRESS? Really? :laugh:

Political Theatre is all you have...….IMPEACH AWAY if you dare. :cool: Says the man who now holds the power of the DEEP STATE in his pocket....Donald John Trump, as he has already weaponized AG BARR and given him the authority to declassify any thing he wishes in order to get at THE TRUTH behind the curtain of the false flag CLASSIFIED INFORMATION shield these bastards are attempting to hide behind.
Deflect much away from the attempted and documented "LIES" that you are propagandizing? :bigthink:

Jail? Can you document one crime that Mr. Trump has been investigated in which there was ever a PROPABLE CAUSE predicated that would lead to a possible indictment or charge of a crime.....might less the evidence that would stand up in any court beyond the reason of a doubt? If so......present the CRIME under investigation that is predicated via PROPABABLE CAUSE (the predicate ….. supposed …. that started this dog and pony show, the STEELE DOSSIER, has been debunked to hell and back as never being verified by any US Law enforcement agency) to include any state investigations where the statute of limitations ended YEARS AGO. Go for it.....present the indictment. Just who has indicted Donald John Trump? No one....yet you are saying he fears JAIL? LMAO

And if you cannot.....just how do you suppose that CONGRESS is going to indict anyone when it does not have the authority to criminally investigate anyone? :dunno: As was pointed out.....MUELLER does not hold the authority to transfer any of his prosecutorial powers to congress, AG BARR is his boss and his boss has already closed the investigation via declaring, NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION...with the grand jury set to end within 30 days. Congress holds no power to convene a grand jury and they sure as hell do not possess the investigatory abilities or methods of the DOJ which works solely at the discretion of the Executive Branch of Government in order to maintain a checks and balance system of government. You can see just how much cooperation that the DOJ is going to give congress.....when AG BARR was held in contempt of congress as he flipped them off.

Again....Mueller failed in his predetermined mission to entrap the POTUS in some procedural crime such as perjury because the POTUS never testified under oath. Thus, Mueller did all that he could.....he passed the ball to congress with their only option being a political option as the criminal investigation ended when the AG declared it ended......IMPEACHMENT is the only legal method to remove this POTUS, catch him if you can. ;) Historically speaking you have a .000 batting average as no POTUS (even the guilty ones proven to have committed crimes like wire tapping and lying under oath) has ever been removed from office via impeachment.

SPIN YOUR ASS OFF like a top......Donald John Trump will not only serve out this term in office....he will be a LAME DUCK president after 2020 with nothing but revenge on his mind.

You are not well. Mueller's mission was to investigate Russian interference in our elections and crimes he encountered in that mission. That is what he did. Rightys do not care that an adversary manipulated our election and is doing it again. Trump could win, you guys show no ability to understand what horrible things this clumsy administration has accomplished. The American system is being threatened by an uninformed and goofy president. Trump is trying to destroy the FBI and take over the justice department. He is acting like a despot and you do not care. His economic knowledge is abysmal. Almost no economists think tariffs are a good idea. They hurt the economy and make enemies out of friends.
You are not well. Mueller's mission was to investigate Russian interference in our elections and crimes he encountered in that mission. That is what he did. Rightys do not care that an adversary manipulated our election and is doing it again. Trump could win, you guys show no ability to understand what horrible things this clumsy administration has accomplished. The American system is being threatened by an uninformed and goofy president. Trump is trying to destroy the FBI and take over the justice department. He is acting like a despot and you do not care. His economic knowledge is abysmal. Almost no economists think tariffs are a good idea. They hurt the economy and make enemies out of friends.

You should commit suicide now and avoid the rush when Trump IS re-elected.

Which one do you prefer, rope, knife, gun, pills, suffocation, car exhaust, etc.??