Ever been to a wedding....


Well-known member
Have you ever been to a wedding (not your own Dixie) where you f'ed the bride before she met the groom.

I have, twice, and its an uncomfrotable feeling.
One where the groom knew about it and could not seem to stop making comments about it.
Have you ever been to a wedding (not your own Dixie) where you f'ed the bride before she met the groom.

I have, twice, and its an uncomfrotable feeling.
I never found it uncomfortable. My ex-girlfriends are often still my friends. I've been to weddings where my ex is getting married several times. The only discomfort is if you're trying to hide that you were once a boyfriend, but that has never come up for me.
I never found it uncomfortable. My ex-girlfriends are often still my friends. I've been to weddings where my ex is getting married several times. The only discomfort is if you're trying to hide that you were once a boyfriend, but that has never come up for me.

I was never a boyfriend of these women.
I never found it uncomfortable. My ex-girlfriends are often still my friends. I've been to weddings where my ex is getting married several times. The only discomfort is if you're trying to hide that you were once a boyfriend, but that has never come up for me.

This is a pitiful attempt for Jarod to broadcast his supposed sexual prowess.

Pitiful pandering.
You could have just asked them to stop pointing at you and laughing!! :cof1:

LOL... I was going to tell him not to worry about it, they probably weren't aware of his fantasies about having sex with them, and if he could just avoid gawking, he would be fine. ....It must be harder to get restraining orders against stalkers in Florida!
Yeah. I've been to one. It wasn't a big deal.

My brother babysits his ex girlfriends kids and her husband and him play poker regularly. Shit is long since past and done. Neither of them care anymore. Its not a prowess thing.