David Jeffrey Spetch
Verified User
No human born with a penis ever was a wife, is a wife or ever will be a wife but we have people who think so little of citizens and especially little children that they force lies through legislation, school boards, change genuine definition of words with their sick and filthy lies and deceptions of which they think seems to give these obvious infiltrators the right to tell you that an asshole redefines with their bs means the ocean is the gist because they want to remove definition of words and replace them with their transparent rubbish.
What the fuck are any of you doing about it while we all get shit on let alone globally?! Meanwhile I have been getting removed from every web site on the planet because they want to hide those they can not contest with even so much as a shred of validity from everyone else on the planet of which I have also been in contact with tens of thousands of elected, appointed and designated officials of almost 200 countries over the course of a half of a decade in recent years as well in contact with two thousand UK and Canadian officials since the year 2000. Ever heard of Facecrook, Twitser, Gluetube ... etc. ??? There are so many more than an easy majority of you would likely never even have the experience / 'knowledge because sometimes ... knowledge takes work on top of brain power to even care to even begin to take notice.
For all of you to think about.
Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
What the fuck are any of you doing about it while we all get shit on let alone globally?! Meanwhile I have been getting removed from every web site on the planet because they want to hide those they can not contest with even so much as a shred of validity from everyone else on the planet of which I have also been in contact with tens of thousands of elected, appointed and designated officials of almost 200 countries over the course of a half of a decade in recent years as well in contact with two thousand UK and Canadian officials since the year 2000. Ever heard of Facecrook, Twitser, Gluetube ... etc. ??? There are so many more than an easy majority of you would likely never even have the experience / 'knowledge because sometimes ... knowledge takes work on top of brain power to even care to even begin to take notice.
For all of you to think about.

Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada