Ever notice how TD gets triggered

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
That he posts multiple posts in answer to one post , one after another

it's like his pin head explodes and streaming word salad comes out, one line, one post at a time
That he posts multiple posts in answer to one post , one after another

it's like his pin head explodes and streaming word salad comes out, one line, one post at a time

It's hard not to notice even though I have him on ignore. Some people that don't like to ignore anyone said they put him on ignore because he just adds nothing
get ready for more insane posts from him

It's hard not to notice even though I have him on ignore. Some people that don't like to ignore anyone said they put him on ignore because he just adds nothing

^^PRICELESS! :laugh:

It's hard not to notice even though I have him on ignore. Some people that don't like to ignore anyone said they put him on ignore because he just adds nothing

How many cartoons and .gifs do we have to see before getting bored into a stupor? It's the reason I've had him on ignore for years.
I just put the loon on ignore, truly a very low grade person

Irony; someone who is a low life race hustling moron calling others low grade. I am glad you put me on ignore. Lord knows your posts add nothing to any debate and I won't have to engage in the never ending circle of stupidity with you anymore.

That's right. When he first came here I tried to engage him on topics but it was useless. Every response was some version of "you're stupid" followed by a cartoon.

You don't engage; you LIE and you CRY. Debating with morons like you only ends up in the never ending circle of stupidity. Yes hypocrite, you're okay with all the cartoons and insults of your fellow leftist retards aren't you?

You don't debate because you get your dumb ass kicked by the facts. You bloviate like an idiot and then run and cry when caught in your lies.
