That's five times the number of Democrats
You mean there are only 1600 democrats? The midterms should be a breeze.
Being stupid is important to me.
That's five times the number of Democrats
Doesn't matter, it's still horrible. Covid doesn't care what your politics are. It sucks to rejoice about such a thing, Katz. Be better.
I can tell by my inability to utilize the english language.
Not sure what you're telling but I'm sure you know in your delusion
The only delusion here is your numbers. If your "8,000" a day were true for the last year that's 2.92 million dead "Republicans" and another 584,000 "Democrats" dead. That's about three times the total deaths the US has officially had from Fauci plague. I guess this is just a giant government cover up or something hum?
That's five times the number of Democrats
Every 10 days
80,000 Republicans and 16,000 Democrats have died in the last 10 days? Wow! We should see what we can do to up the number of Democrats! Eliminating both would be a real boon to us independents and third party types.
You are literally the dumbest moron on the planet
That's five times the number of Democrats
8,000 a day? How long has that been the case? A year? Two years?
I can tell by your inability to utilize the english language.
Every 10 days 8,000 Republicans are dying from covid