Every 10 days 8,000 Republicans are dying from covid

Doesn't matter, it's still horrible. Covid doesn't care what your politics are. It sucks to rejoice about such a thing, Katz. Be better.

Why are you defending hate. Those people are a threat to me I want them all dead it's simple self-survival
Not sure what you're telling but I'm sure you know in your delusion

The only delusion here is your numbers. If your "8,000" a day were true for the last year that's 2.92 million dead "Republicans" and another 584,000 "Democrats" dead. That's about three times the total deaths the US has officially had from Fauci plague. I guess this is just a giant government cover up or something hum?
The only delusion here is your numbers. If your "8,000" a day were true for the last year that's 2.92 million dead "Republicans" and another 584,000 "Democrats" dead. That's about three times the total deaths the US has officially had from Fauci plague. I guess this is just a giant government cover up or something hum?

No one said the numbers were from last year did they see this is the problem with pus brains like you you just make stupid s*** up just so you can look stupid
80,000 Republicans and 16,000 Democrats have died in the last 10 days? Wow! We should see what we can do to up the number of Democrats! Eliminating both would be a real boon to us independents and third party types.

You are literally the dumbest moron on the planet
You are literally the dumbest moron on the planet

You really need one of these... It even says "Sharp" on it something you aren't...

Every 10 days 8,000 Republicans are dying from covid

Really? That would mean 292,000 Republicans died in the last year from Fauci plague. The official estimate for the US for 2021 is right at 393,000. That means by your insane estimate about 75% of all Fauci plague deaths have been Republican in the last year. Adding in your insane Democrat death toll brings it to 350,000. That means only about 40,000 people who were in neither party died meaning that the smart Americans aren't Republicans or Democrats! By extrapolation, one could infer that the two major parties are inhabited in the vast majority by cretins, retards, and idiots (like you a Democrat) while the smart and savvy Americans are independents (like me), and in third-parties...

We need to find a way to up the Democrat numbers though...