Every American Pays Reparations


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The South is not alone. The Parasite Class is intentionally ignored among current reparations discussions.

Ignored among current reparations discussions is the fact the South has already paid them —

The South Has Already Paid Reparations
by Philip Leigh
October 25, 2019, 12:06 AM


Recipients of the welfare state, and civil Rights (doublespeak for special privileges) were paid reparations for at least 56 years if you start the clock in 1963.



In fact, UNTOUCHABLE ENTITLEMENTS is the most lucrative reparation payout ever devised by parasites because every American will be forced to pay reparations ad infinitum.

The parasites who scream the loudest demanding reparations for slavery are themselves slave traders. They enslave every American with the income tax in order to pay reparations. Start that clock in 1913:

XVI Amendment

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.
In fact, UNTOUCHABLE ENTITLEMENTS is the most lucrative reparation payout ever devised by parasites because every American will be forced to pay reparations ad infinitum.

Quadrillion comes after a trillion:

Few Democrats on the presidential campaign trail, however, appear to be very concerned about the nation’s entitlement-drowning finances. Instead, the leftist field of candidates have pushed even more extremely expensive programs.

Trillion-Dollar Deficits Are Here To Stay, Thanks To Entitlements
October 28, 2019
By Tristan Justice


Quintrillion, sextillion, septillion, octillion, nonillion, and decillion follow quadrillion. The day must come when parasite entitlements can only be written as a googolplex:

Every dollar put into this fund is a tax dollar one way or another:

Georgetown University President John DeGioia announced that a controversial student referendum passed last April, which mandated student fees for a slavery reparations fund, will not be fully implemented.

A deduction for “charitable donations” is the most obvious method of forcing every American to enrich parasites:

Instead, the private university will shoulder the costs or come up with the funds through donations, philanthropy or other means unspecified in DeGioia’s message, sent via email last week to the campus community.
The student fee was expected to generate about $400,000 per year.

Naturally, there is no reason for any university to fix infrastructure when they know billions of tax dollars is coming their way thanks to Donald Trump & Company —— not to mention the education industry creating a few million more parasite tax dollar jobs:

“. . . While I believe Georgetown could spend its time and resources on better projects, such as finally fixing the crumbling infrastructure on campus, if an individual chooses voluntarily to pay into a reparations fund, then they are free to do so.”

Georgetown launches $400K annual slavery reparations fund, but won’t force students to pay for it
Dalton Nunamaker
November 4, 2019
