Every republican in my lifetime = Hitler in the minds of simpletons and liars.


Well-known member
I wont speak to went on before my birth in 1964,..... no need to. Nixon= Hitler, Goldwater= Hitler, Reagan= Hitler, Bush 1= Hitler, Bush 2, Hitler, McCain= Hitler,...and then of course,...Trump. The most Hitlery Hitler of them all! :laugh: Hell,...these goofballs probably even framed old Bob Dole as Hitler as well. Why wouldnt they ? EVERY election its the same old playbook,...decade after decade. Go look yourselves,....you will see protest signs of every single one of the candidates mentioned depicting them as bloodthirsty Hitlers,....every last one of them. Fucking idiots.
Weird how none of those Presidents ever fired up the ovens, built death camps, confiscated all the wealth and property of a particular group of people. Hmmm,........is it just possible that the left is primarily made up of a bunch of lying pieces of shit willing to do or say anything in an attempt to win an election? Could that just maybe be it?
When all else fails just scream out like a nut job..." HITLER!! Fascist!!!! NAZI!!!! The END OF DEMOCRACY!!! He is an existential THREAT to the entire WORLD!!!!" Oh,....and then continue screaming it like a nutter for 60 straight YEARS with a 100% track record of total failure at CALLING THE NEXT HITLER! Any half way normal person would be embarrassed of such a woeful track record,...But not these shameless Liars.

These are the same people who told us all for FOUR STRAIGHT YEARS it was merely a vast right wing conspiracy to even suggest that Biden was in serious mental decline, that there was no truth to it whatsoever. Then of course said the exact opposite literally OVERNIGHT. They have no shame,...nor honor. They are simply liars.
I wont speak to went on before my birth in 1964,..... no need to. Nixon= Hitler, Goldwater= Hitler, Reagan= Hitler, Bush 1= Hitler, Bush 2, Hitler, McCain= Hitler,...and then of course,...Trump. The most Hitlery Hitler of them all! :laugh: Hell,...these goofballs probably even framed old Bob Dole as Hitler as well. Why wouldnt they ? EVERY election its the same old playbook,...decade after decade. Go look yourselves,....you will see protest signs of every single one of the candidates mentioned depicting them as bloodthirsty Hitlers,....every last one of them. Fucking idiots.
OMG, you're got some serious problems. :eek2::eek2::eek2::eek2::eek2::eek2:
I wont speak to went on before my birth in 1964,..... no need to. Nixon= Hitler, Goldwater= Hitler, Reagan= Hitler, Bush 1= Hitler, Bush 2, Hitler, McCain= Hitler,...and then of course,...Trump. The most Hitlery Hitler of them all! :laugh: Hell,...these goofballs probably even framed old Bob Dole as Hitler as well. Why wouldnt they ? EVERY election its the same old playbook,...decade after decade. Go look yourselves,....you will see protest signs of every single one of the candidates mentioned depicting them as bloodthirsty Hitlers,....every last one of them. Fucking idiots.
Can you imagine anyone calling Ford a Nazi? He was a good person, and far too mild mannered to be a Nazi.

Can you imagine what Reagan would do if someone claiming to be his supporter wore a swastika? No one before trump would have tolerated such a thing.

Recently, the rhetoric from the Republicans is that everyone is worse than Hitler. The Bushs started it by claiming Saddam was worse than Hitler. But now they are claiming everyone from Gandhi to Taylor Swift is worse than Hitler.